left knee "in" ??

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i have a quick question regarding the left knee(for a right handed player). should the knee be somewhat 'in' throughout the swing? i have a habit i think to get the knee somewhat straight and the kneww crosses my toe line toward the target on the downswing. if this is correct, what keys would help keep this correct?
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I think it depends on the type of swing you are trying for and the amount of hip turn and slide you need during the swing. In general, a slicer needs more hip turn on the way back and more hip slide on the way down. A hooker needs less turn on the way back and more turn on the way down. If you are trying for the former, the left leg will bend as you turn your hips on the backswing. On the downswing, the left knee will go left as you slide your hips to create tilt. The more slide you need, the more it will go left.

My non-expert advice? Don't worry about the knees, just let them do what they need to as you use the hip turn and hip slide that YOU need.
guess the question i mean to ask is 'should my hips stay inside my toes?"

Sorry if I didn't quite answer your question. Generally speaking, the hips will go left on the downswing, but will also turn enough so that they don't move outside your left foot (you can also think of it as the left knee not moving outside the left foot). However, if you personally need more hip slide, your left knee/hips may actually move a little left of your left foot.

Does that help?
got it. i just have to work more on the pivot to get the correct motion. i think it's partly a problem due to knee surgery years ago that i don't have as much stability and i shift it over too much at times.
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