Left knee movement towards target:

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2 things I noticed initially with Tom's massive drive. The movement of the left knee and also how he "sprung up" on the ball.

Very intrigued about the left knee. Many years ago I read a tip regarding many long hitters initiating their downswing with their left knee moving towards the target. He suggested putting an inflatable ball between your legs and allowing the ball to drop on your downswing (moving your left knee allowed it to drop).

So HOW does this LEFT KNEE movement generate more DISTANCE?
similar to sam snead's "RIDING THE HOG".. allowing the left knee to separate from the right....this initiates the "kinetic chain"...
To me, it's just part of the proper sequence of the downswing started by Tom's excellent foot action. From what I see, proper foot action gets Tom some proper knee action to an excellent pivot.

I've never heard of the 'riding the hog' term.

Snead did have a squat move in his swing. I can't find a pic of it, but here's one of Abe Mitchell 'squatting.'


I'm guessing that the squat is 'riding the hog' and that consists of the left knee moving towards the target early on in the downswing.


Guitar Hero

New member
The left knee motion is a result of other actions in Tom’s swing. If you focus on just moving the left knee you will not produce this motion correctly in a dynamic sequence.

The left knee motion is a result of other actions in Tom’s swing. If you focus on just moving the left knee you will not produce this motion correctly in a dynamic sequence.

Dear GH,

What are some of the earlier moves to produce this? Should one think about flexing the left leg to get it more behind the ball? Thanks.
What I love about Toms move is his free uninhibited pivot, no tension in that pivot, free hip turn, shoulder turn..so the arms can really be flung through the ball. My 3 favorite swings I have ever seen.... Tom Bartlett, Jack Nicklaus,and Vijay Singh.

Guitar Hero

New member
Power Pivot Knee Action

Dear GH,

What are some of the earlier moves to produce this? Should one think about flexing the left leg to get it more behind the ball? Thanks.

Here is the knee action used by many long hitters. Set up at address with the left foot turned out about 25 degrees and the right foot about 10 degrees. Start the back swing knee action with the left knee bending and moving towards the middle of the left foot and the right knee straighten without locking it out.

Start the down swing knee action with the right knee bending and moving towards the left big toe while you straighten the left knee. When you reach the follow through you will pivot the right foot up onto the big toe for the finish. This knee action will feel similar to a power hitter in baseball. At impact you will feel pressure on the right big toe supporting some weight. You will also feel weight on the left heel.

I have studied this knee action with 3-D and this action will produce different looks on 2-D video. This is why 2-D video is not where you want to analyze true motion of the golf swing. There are just too many illusions. Learn the action and sequence of this knee action with your pattern and you will hit it longer.

To Better Golf,


John W Rohan-Weaver CMAI, GSEM, NASM
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