Brian, Howdy! Say I have asked this question to teaching pros all over and nobody can figure it out.
Your turn. Here is the question. On the downswing, ones left leg and foot pulls away, and he or she ends up not getting any leverage on there shots. They loose atleast 50 to 75 yards min.. They are long ball hitters. Irons, this does not happen. Long Irons are fine also. Practice swings before the ball are great, just to many over the driver swings that suck. Loads of talent in these swings. But it's not talent that is messing with that driver.
Do you have anything that will work for them? They don't like the word, TRY this,as TRY is not a word in there volcabulary. TRY is to fail. Lets see if you can come up with do this or work on this to correct ones errors.
Thanks my friend.
Your turn. Here is the question. On the downswing, ones left leg and foot pulls away, and he or she ends up not getting any leverage on there shots. They loose atleast 50 to 75 yards min.. They are long ball hitters. Irons, this does not happen. Long Irons are fine also. Practice swings before the ball are great, just to many over the driver swings that suck. Loads of talent in these swings. But it's not talent that is messing with that driver.
Do you have anything that will work for them? They don't like the word, TRY this,as TRY is not a word in there volcabulary. TRY is to fail. Lets see if you can come up with do this or work on this to correct ones errors.
Thanks my friend.