Left shoulder center of arc

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TGM pg 30 "A geometrically proper procedure is to establish the correct radius with the clubhead raised to the desired impact relationship. Then maintain the center of the arc - that is, the left shoulder - as now established, and hold the hands at the height and angle now established, then let the club swing down from the wrist to rest on the ground. Now apply Extensor Action to stretch the left arm and get as "far away from the ball as possible." (Without disturbing any of the fix alignments.) So - "Soled" the ball is toward the toe of the clubface, but "on center" for impact."

Can anyone help me understand what Homer was saying here? I am a bit confused by the left shoulder. Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t the left shoulder lower at address then at impact because of the increase of spine tilt at impact? I am not sure what he’s trying to get you to do here.

Brian Manzella

The Left Shoulder

Since the golfer is swinging to his left, the left shoulder socket is one of the centers of the stroke.

Left alone, or in certain controlled situations, the clubhead will reach its lowest point opposite the left shoulder.

But, there are other "centers" to contend with. The left wrist and the point bewteen the shoulders being the two others that affect where this low point will occur.

Another factor is the #4 accumulator angle, which is the angle formed when the left arm swings into the chest on the backswing, and reamins across the chest at impact to some degree.

Our resident math, geometry and physics expert--Mandrin--has had several good thread and illustrations on this matter.

Some TGMers will always contend that the left shoulder is always opposite low point, and I was one of them, but I learned, and now I'm am trying to develop some rules on how the above actually works.

Calling Mandrin...
...and now I'm am trying to develop some rules on how the above actually works.

Calling Mandrin...
Yes...that would be great! All this theory...we need to RULES to APPLY this. Until then, I'll just keep moving the ball around until I find the right spot for that day.
Well, I did some searching and found one of the threads, its great info and I quasi understand it. I guess what I really want to know is how it works in my swing. With my driver I increase my spine tilt from address to impact approx. 20-25 deg and when I post up my head probably goes backward 2-3 inches, how is this going to effect my low point and do you think that is too much of an increase in spine tilt? Thanks, guys
...... and now I'm am trying to develop some rules on how the above actually works.

Calling Mandrin...

You may want to consider that starting from a neutral mid body address position, producing a healthy divot on the target side of the ball requires getting the clubhead down somewhat, relying perhaps on a combination of slack, elasticity in the joints, and lowering/moving the upper body down/forward a bit.

Especially those who to like to straighten their lead leg through impact should preferably have a lowering of their upper body at the start of the downswing to be able to still hit down on the ball and take healthy divots, after impact, in front of the ball.

You may want to consider that starting from a neutral mid body address position, producing a healthy divot on the target side of the ball requires getting the clubhead down somewhat, relying perhaps on a combination of slack, elasticity in the joints, and lowering/moving the upper body down/forward a bit.

Especially those who to like to straighten their lead leg through impact should preferably have a lowering of their upper body at the start of the downswing to be able to still hit down on the ball and take healthy divots, after impact, in front of the ball.

Isn't this similar to what Tiger does?
Matt F, new on this forum, starting a thread, asking an intelligent question, gets rated as ‘horrible’, by some individual. Just wonder who that might be. :D
I have been very impressed with the knowledge of the people on this board....I think somebody probably wasnt happy with the review I gave of the Clampett book, I went back and removed my posts from that thread (I don't want to argue). I have noticed a big divide between pop and TGM people, for the record I wouldnt call myself a proponet of either, just trying to learn as much as I can (although I am really liking this TGM book)... Or it may be just a dumb question, lol.

I still would like to know how my low point changes with increased spine tilt and my head going back a couple of inches, would it move more toward the center of my stance?
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