Left Shoulder Up

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The left shoulder up move on the downswing is one of my all-time favorite swing thoughts...Thanks Brian! But, here is my question, does the left shoulder go up on the downswing because you move the shoulder up? Or, does the left shoulder go up automatically as a result of the hips moving horizontally, which causes axis tilt?
Should there be any directional thought involving the left shoulder, as to prevent it from spinning open too soon (before going up)? I've read of "hitting the ball with the back of the left shoulder" and that seems sound.
......or hit the ball with the right shoulder.
You're supposed to tilt the axis by sliding the hips forward/head staying back, so that the shoulders will be on-plane in the downswing.
ThomGN said:
......or hit the ball with the right shoulder.
You're supposed to tilt the axis by sliding the hips forward/head staying back, so that the shoulders will be on-plane in the downswing.

That image doesn't seem to help me to stop throwing my right shoulder too out and around rather than down (and throwing open my left shoulder too soon), for whatever reason. Keeping the shoulders closed to the target line for as long as possible is the only one that seems to help me not pull it.
Yes, SH, and HOW you do that is by NOT TURNING anything at the end of the upswing, but only shifting the hips to the left without turning THEM, a process that allows the right shoulder to drop as you see is necessary. Where things can go wrong is if the left hand and clubshaft are too low, below the right shoulder, THE VERY MOTION of the hands MUST ALSO THRUST OUTWARD because of limitations of our anatomy. The hands must be high enough and the club steep enough so that they are IN FRONT OF THE RIGHT SIDE OF THE CHEST, NOT BEYOND IT. In that position a downward chop is possible without force vectors -- elastic springs from body compression -- throwing the hands OUT.

bend over a bunch with what feels like a flatter swing, a steeper plane, get the elbow into the "anti-extensor position", don't worry about tilting, think swing with the shoulders (not the hips) and around a steay spine. Yuppo, play to the over the top move with angle hinging.

who am I?
blehnhard said:
Tour Deep - sounds like Jim Hardy to me - Bruce

Last year, I bought into this type of procedure and it works. And the results were fast. Now, this may have been that a slight OTT is my natural move, I always bent over the ball more than most, and making a couple of simple adjustments dialed in my swing.

Now, I seek "effortless power".

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
tourdeep said:

Last year, I bought into this type of procedure and it works. And the results were fast. Now, this may have been that a slight OTT is my natural move, I always bent over the ball more than most, and making a couple of simple adjustments dialed in my swing.

Now, I seek "effortless power".

Olin Browne
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