Left wrist re-cocking

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To Brian, and others:

What influences how much the wrists re-cock after the follow through (around waist high lets say)?

What's the effect on ball striking?

For example, Luke Donald and Ernie Els re-cocks more than Zach Johnson.
To Brian, and others:

What influences how much the wrists re-cock after the follow through (around waist high lets say)?

What's the effect on ball striking?

For example, Luke Donald and Ernie Els re-cocks more than Zach Johnson.

Accumulator #3 I would think. And swivel.
Accumulator #3 I would think. And swivel.

I agree with Philly. Zach has a turned grip and therefore zero's out #3 accumulator 'you can't turn something that is already turned' - unless you want a nice rope hook. Not sure about Luke but Ernie has a strong single action grip or manzella neutral if you like and therefore horizontal hinges and has a finish swivel

Brian Manzella


I have no idea what the above answers are talking about.


The left wrist UN-COCKS when it does because there is POSITIVE torque on the wrist, or there is NO TORQUE and the weight of the clubhead does the trick.

The left wrist RE-COCKS when it does because there is NEGATIVE torque on the wrist, or there is NO TORQUE and the weight of the clubhead does the trick.


Every time you give me some other example, I'll pull out the camera and do the opposite, and stripe it.

Then you'll be like the big oaf that saw me FADE DRIVERS perfectly one after the other and refused to believe it wasn't a trick. :rolleyes:
I have no idea what the above answers are talking about.


The left wrist UN-COCKS when it does because there is POSITIVE torque on the wrist, or there is NO TORQUE and the weight of the clubhead does the trick.

The left wrist RE-COCKS when it does because there is NEGATIVE torque on the wrist, or there is NO TORQUE and the weight of the clubhead does the trick.

Not the type of Manzella answer I was looking for (not saying I know the answer however). A Manzella answer should bring more enlightenment than this.

I'm thinking something involving the pivot, release and swivel. Negative torque probably doesn't come all from the wrists. Maybe what your body and arms does influence how easy it is to have negative torque. Maybe, if you compare two swings both with no torque in the wrists, one will look like it has more negative torque after the follow through (i.e. more up the left arm) than the other. I want some real answers!

To Brian, and others:

What influences how much the wrists re-cock after the follow through (around waist high lets say)?

What's the effect on ball striking?

For example, Luke Donald and Ernie Els re-cocks more than Zach Johnson.

Ernie and Luke cock their left wrist more than Zach Johnson on the backswing..
Zach has very little cock on the way back and seems to maintain that "no wrist" action all the way through. he relies on his pivot more than the other two.

Golf is basically about doing and undoing, i.e. what you do on the backswing you undo on the downswing and follow through.
So if you cock your wrists a lot on the backswing, they will naturally (unimpeded or unmanipulated) want to "opposite-cock on the follow through.
Basically if you think of the clubhead movement as a pendulum, the wrists will accommodate the movement of that pendulum, unless you impede it.
Ernie and Luke cock their left wrist more than Zach Johnson on the backswing..
Zach has very little cock on the way back and seems to maintain that "no wrist" action all the way through. he relies on his pivot more than the other two.

Golf is basically about doing and undoing, i.e. what you do on the backswing you undo on the downswing and follow through.
So if you cock your wrists a lot on the backswing, they will naturally (unimpeded or unmanipulated) want to "opposite-cock on the follow through.
Basically if you think of the clubhead movement as a pendulum, the wrists will accommodate the movement of that pendulum, unless you impede it.
nice answer puttmad :)
But if you look at Ben Hogan, he has lots of wrist cock at the top of his backswing, but he re-cocks VERY late - he re-cocks at the last moment of his finish.
nice answer puttmad :)
But if you look at Ben Hogan, he has lots of wrist cock at the top of his backswing, but he re-cocks VERY late - he re-cocks at the last moment of his finish.

In that case, it is not an unimpeded swing. Perhaps Ben was trying to prevent something (the hook)?
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