Lesson w/ our own Jim Kobylinski (long review)

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Hello everyone...
I don't post much but i lurk alot lol and discovered that Jim Kobylinski teaches in the Chicagoland area. So i bit the bullet and gave him a call for a lesson. To clarify things. I was comming to Jim with a severe pull/pull hook/hook(you get the picture) that developed over the winter in my attempt to eliminate the slice that crept its way in at the end of November.

Well, I met Jim on Sunday and we introduced ourselves to each other following me saying " I've been golfing for about a year and a half so i SUCK lol." I warmed up and he instructed me to hit a few chip shots. I thought "simple enough" until it was clear that i was a flipper. Jim showed me some great visuals to help me understand where i should aim my hands and the illusions of impact. Then we proceded to doing full swings and discovered I was trying to be a hitter while i was a much better swinger with a decent pivot. So i began to open the face more and started to push/push draw the ball and even hit a few straight which was much better than that snapper i came there with.

I've taken one prior lesson to this one from a PGA Pro at GG and saw NO improvement; leaving me which questions which he never answered. I told myself i would be self taught from that point on until i discovered TGM and people who teach this way of golf. Jim Kobylinski opened my eyes to what a teacher should be and im so sold on this that i will be taking lessons from him every 2 weeks from now on. Jim is slowly turning this hack swing into something that could get me to shoot some low scores in the future. Thanks bud and i'll see you soon.


Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Marlowe has a much nicer swing than he leads on. Just your typical hooker, in a golf sort of way :D

I'll just go ahead and de-hook him until he can fade it on command and then i'll bring him back to something more normal and he'll be fine.

Brian Manzella

Our Jim.

Jim is living proof that the "Manzella System" works.

The "Manzella System" ?

In my seminar I did last week in Kentucky for the local pros, I call in a "Capture" system....more on that in the future.
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