Lesson with Brian today

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I had another very successful lesson with Brian today. I've had three total dating back to September of 2005 and the video footage from #1 to #3 is very encouraging. I've all but eliminated my over-the-top move, very rarely hit the ball fat anymore and only have a hint of a flip at impact. And, with what Brian and I worked on today, I should be able to eliminate that very soon.

Folks, do yourself a favor if you are not hitting the ball solid...go get a lesson from Brian. The price of the lesson will not cost anywhere near what you will spend on a bunch of range balls trying to work your way out of a slump.

I still don't understand most of the TGM terminology, but the scorecard is looking better and better!
Louisville. As a true blue Tar Heel fan, it pains me to have to drive to Kentucky. But, I'll do anything to get a tuneup on the golf swing!

Brian Manzella

Thanks Brady!

Brady is a great lesson taker.

If someone will let me teach them, and 99.999% of the forum members will,

I can help anybody.
Just getting started with this TGM stuff. Am reading the book and feel that there is a lot of good info here. Two questions:
What would be the first thing that one should work on when hitting the range to progress by TGM understanding that there are many faults currently existing?
One of my most prevelent faults is a left wrist bent back after impact. Just can't seem to keep it flat all the way through.
I vacation in KY every spring, so maybe I'll try to catch a lesson with Brian next April. (I live in MA)

Brian Manzella


Play three balls in a row, a few inches apart, 90° to the target.

Hit the middle one.

Did you make a divot? Where was the divot?

You SHOULD make the divot AHEAD of the line.

You SHOULD BE ABLE to make the divot AHEAD of the line, with the line in middle of your stance or slightly left.

You SHOULD BE ABLE to make the divot AHEAD of the line, with the line in middle of your stance or slightly left AND with your head BEHIND THE LINE AT IMPACT.

Can you?

Did you?

If you did, when you did, did the ball go LOWER? Higher? Righter? Lefter?

Please report back for the LOW DOWN on what it all means.

You are in the right spot, trust me!

All of the answers, none of the Kool-Aid.
Report on three ball drill


I did this drill as you described with a 7 iron. Yes, I did hit some with the divot ahead of the line. (about .5-1 inch) I would say ball flight was about the same hight as usual, maybe a bit lower, about the same distance as usual (my 7 iron is my 140 club) but a decidedly left to right flight, (maybe 10 yrds) with strong spin pulling it right when it landed. Divit was shallow, not much shape to report (IE pointing one way or the other). So what does it all mean?


Brian Manzella

Clubface, clubface, clubface....

You have to learn to "square up the face at separation" better.

It may NOT BE squaring up becuase you either:

A. Grip it open

B. Open TOO MUCH on the backswing

C. Don't close it enough on the downswing or OPEN IT EVEN MORE.


1. Make sure grip is PERFECT.


3. Turn the clubface off of the plane on the downswing, earlier.

4. Make sure you don't reserve pivot on the backswing.
Brian, during our lesson, you mentioned that my right arm was a little higher than the left on the downswing and that we needed to fix that. But, we got side-tracked on something else with my swing. What would you suggest I do to make sure the right arm is lower than the left on the downswing?

Anyone else have a recommendation?
Brian Manzella said:
You have to learn to "square up the face at separation" better.

It may NOT BE squaring up becuase you either:

A. Grip it open

B. Open TOO MUCH on the backswing

C. Don't close it enough on the downswing or OPEN IT EVEN MORE.


1. Make sure grip is PERFECT.


3. Turn the clubface off of the plane on the downswing, earlier.

4. Make sure you don't reserve pivot on the backswing.

Well, I won't disagree with you that I am not squaring up the clubface. Lot's to work on, and as I said, just getting started with this process. I am going to see Drew Chapman in Attleboro MA in a couple weeks. Hoefully that will help with more of an understanding of this approach. When are you typically in Louisville? Would love to get a live lesson. I usually visit that area in mid April.

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