Lesson with Brian:

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I had what was my third lesson with Brian and what a treat. This was a lesson where I let Brian take the wheel from the get-go. I came with a lot of mechanical questions, kind of hung up in the machine-should I say, and the man kindly guided me to an Ernest Jones, swing the club-type lesson. Before the lesson, I was hooking and pulling left of Ted Kennedy. Before the lesson was over, I was spanking Rush Limbaugh in the ass.

Towards the end of the 2 hour session, he showed me the Magic Line drill, and also taught me a little about the Double Trap. A full roll that tales off left at its apex is a phenominon.

What a great time, what a great teacher. Brian is a man Tom Wolfe would call A Man In Full.
ok, now you'll have to explain the magic line drill to us as well as teh double trap.
great that you had an insightful lesson
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