Lesson with Yoda ...aka holenone

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Yesterday I had the pleasure of having a private lesson with Yoda. I have had golf lessons with probably no less than 10 people including the(Hank Haney School and several others). The amount of lessons and reading have probably hurt me, I've got a million thoughts going through my head at times. I came to the lesson a little nervous, I like to play well and have a tendency to want immediate results. I was also a bit concerned about what I perceived to be a very complex theory(the golfing machine), and I like to keep things simple when possible.
Upon meeting Yoda we hit it off well(maybe because we're Texas natives) he's an extremely friendly person who obviously has a great deal of passion about Golf, the machine, and life in general. He gave me a quick overview of the machine and watched me chip and hit a few wedges. He immediately picked up that I was a hitter and we went to work. Within less than 10 balls I was puring my irons as well as I ever have. I then worked some with the driver and we then went and videotaped my swing. I was astonished, my swing was completely different, I had a quiet lower body, hands driving through the ball and finishing in balance, I really didn't think it was me. Last night I could not get to sleep, I sat up for a few hours just writing down notes in my golfing machine book, trying to capture the nuggets of wisdom he had given me. Also trying to figure out what to do with the wooden dowels:) Yoda did a fantastic job of simplifying things such as angled hinge, forearm pickup, etc.. so that even a dummy like me understood and could apply the theory. I am playing twice this week and will pass along the results, I actually can't wait to get to the golf course. Yoda, thanks so much for your time and effort yesterday, We will get together again shortly. For anybody who has a chance, I highly recommend you take the time to meet with Yoda, as it will most definitely be time well spent.



quote:Originally posted by Tball88

Yesterday I had the pleasure of having a private lesson with Yoda. I have had golf lessons with probably no less than 10 people including the(Hank Haney School and several others). The amount of lessons and reading have probably hurt me, I've got a million thoughts going through my head at times. I came to the lesson a little nervous, I like to play well and have a tendency to want immediate results. I was also a bit concerned about what I perceived to be a very complex theory(the golfing machine), and I like to keep things simple when possible.
Upon meeting Yoda we hit it off well(maybe because we're Texas natives) he's an extremely friendly person who obviously has a great deal of passion about Golf, the machine, and life in general. He gave me a quick overview of the machine and watched me chip and hit a few wedges. He immediately picked up that I was a hitter and we went to work. Within less than 10 balls I was puring my irons as well as I ever have. I then worked some with the driver and we then went and videotaped my swing. I was astonished, my swing was completely different, I had a quiet lower body, hands driving through the ball and finishing in balance, I really didn't think it was me. Last night I could not get to sleep, I sat up for a few hours just writing down notes in my golfing machine book, trying to capture the nuggets of wisdom he had given me. Also trying to figure out what to do with the wooden dowels:) Yoda did a fantastic job of simplifying things such as angled hinge, forearm pickup, etc.. so that even a dummy like me understood and could apply the theory. I am playing twice this week and will pass along the results, I actually can't wait to get to the golf course. Yoda, thanks so much for your time and effort yesterday, We will get together again shortly. For anybody who has a chance, I highly recommend you take the time to meet with Yoda, as it will most definitely be time well spent.


TBall brought a lot to the table: A natural athleticism, a nice grip and good balance. Most especially, he had trained his Left Wrist to remain Flat and his Right Wrist to remain Bent through the Ball (and he was able to maintain these relationships in the Short Shots).

What he needed was:

1. A better Address Position of his Lower Body and Head so that his Low Point would more naturally occur after Impact;

2. A repositioning of his Arms at Address, especially achieving a Bent Right Elbow and an On Plane Right Forearm. In other words, a total makeover of his Flying Wedge Assembly and a new understanding of how the Left Arm Wedge and Right Forearm Wedge work in tandem throughout the Stroke.

3. His Left Thumb behind the Shaft and inside the palm of the Right Hand to properly align his #1 Pressure Point and enable far better Thrust support through Impact. Once this Pressure Point was established, we were able to emphasize its Feel from Address to the Finish -- for stronger Extensor Action (and better Power Package Structure) as well as the Basic Drive of the Stroke.

4. A new On Plane Top Alignment of the Hands, Right Shoulder and Club that would make a Straight Line Path to the Ball a breeze. His former Backstroke involved an 'outside' move that began with a Cocking -- not Bending -- of the Right Wrist that proceeded to the Top with a Clubshaft becoming progressively more and more 'laid-off' and the Clubface becoming more and more Closed.

5. From the Top, a stabilized Head and Upper Body combined with a Straight Line 'Javelin Throw' through the Aiming Point as the necessary substitute for his radical Axis Tilt and Under Plane move.

TBall was able to make these changes in the time we spent together. He did this by understanding exactly what had to happen and why. He then educated his Hands as to their proper assignments and let it fly. It was fun to watch as his former 'clotheshanger hook' simply vanished and the Ball started going dead straight. As we worked, he also got longer and longer. And, the sound of Impact definitely ratcheted up a few decibels!

Finally, a glance at where he was 'marking' the sole of his Clubs, indicated they were far to upright for him. With the assistance of another TGM professional at the Center, we fitted him dynamically and found that his five-iron should be set three degrees flat. We put together such a club and had TBall 'make his Motion.' He hit three shots and each of them were first class. In fact, they were even longer, straighter and higher than any he had hit up to that point.

I was then reminded of that great line Harvey Penick delivered after his student made a particularly successful shot:

"I hope that made you as happy as it did me."

When someone like Tball suffers from needing #4 above, what is the biggest cause? I'm sure it varies by individual...I know Brian once mentioned an over swivel of the left arm in the backswing may bet the club too laid off at the top...



quote:Originally posted by FL-John


When someone like Tball suffers from needing #4 above, what is the biggest cause? I'm sure it varies by individual...I know Brian once mentioned an over swivel of the left arm in the backswing may bet the club too laid off at the top...


Most individuals simply have no idea where the Hands go or how to get them there. Plus, they have no concept of the correct Shoulder Turn. Then, from the Top, they have no idea of the correct Motion through the Ball. But...

When they are empowered with the correct concepts and procedures...

Magic happens.
can you explain a bit more #1 above? what were his old tendency, and how or what is the better position? thanks. also, are there any tgm qualified teachers in the st. louis, mo. area?
You can add my endorsement too. In fact, if you could find anyone that wasn't pleased with their lesson with Holenone, I'd be very suprised.
Oh- did I mention? It is pure Homer. Even the science discussion prior to hitting balls. Amazing how the stuff works so well considering you think it is all wrong. I guess Holenone kept it like Homer -basic. In fact I'm sure he did.

Horton- how are you hitting the ball lately? Do you ever see your friends from College and play?
quote:Originally posted by 6bee1dee

You can add my endorsement too. In fact, if you could find anyone that wasn't pleased with their lesson with Holenone, I'd be very suprised.

Oh- did I mention? It is pure Homer. Even the science discussion prior to hitting balls. Amazing how the stuff works so well considering you think it is all wrong. I guess Holenone kept it like Homer -basic. In fact I'm sure he did.

Horton- how are you hitting the ball lately? Do you ever see your friends from College and play?
The least you could do is to compose several hundred words of praise and tell us what you found exceptionally pleasing about your lessons with Yoda. Do you always need me to prod you to share information with the forum?

Sometimes I think that you think that Yoda is a reincarnation of Homer. From my brief encounters with Yoda, I am not all that impressed with his written communication skills. In fact he still owes me a response to an outstanding query I have with him regarding the position of his Vertical Right Hand and the orientation of the clubhead at the Top and into Impact.

Most of my college chums are dead .... thanks for asking.[xx(]
"Most of my college chums are dead .... thanks for asking".

LOL LOL I will put these words of Horton under famous quotes!!!!!!!!!LMAO!!!!!!!!!!

what a jerk.
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