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Brian Manzella

#1....hit the middle of the ball with the shaft slightly foreword

#2....Angled Hinge action...(face stays square to PATH)

#3....Butt of club points to same spot the whole stroke
A little on rhythm...

"Work on a pace which feels like it never accelerates just constantly moves to the end of the stroke." -G.M.


DIY with a paint brush!...
"For a smooth and flowing stroke, I often imagine there’s a paint brush attached to the end of my putter, and then try to paint a line on the green as I make the stroke. This helps me to create a flowing action, and it works great on the short putts. Try it: paint that line on the green going back and then through to the hole – and watch the ball disappear." - Nick Dougherty



Two great tips to ponder on...
Take ragman's photos of hand position. Now REVERSE the pressure in your fingers and hands so that you have the gentle feel of "pulling" away for the "handle" rather than pushing toward it. That relaxes the muscles in your chest and encourages a pendulum movement which assists the 3 points Brian gave you.

Do not change the position of your hands on the club (your grip). Simply reverse the pressure on the handle. Now stroke the putt and see what happens.
Originally posted by ragman

A little on rhythm...

"Work on a pace which feels like it never accelerates just constantly moves to the end of the stroke." -G.M.


Would G.M. be Geoff Mangum?

quote:Originally posted by ecox3

Originally posted by ragman

A little on rhythm...

"Work on a pace which feels like it never accelerates just constantly moves to the end of the stroke." -G.M.


Would G.M. be Geoff Mangum?

Gregg McHatton


quote:Originally posted by keygolf

Take ragman's photos of hand position. Now REVERSE the pressure in your fingers and hands so that you have the gentle feel of "pulling" away for the "handle" rather than pushing toward it. That relaxes the muscles in your chest and encourages a pendulum movement which assists the 3 points Brian gave you.

Do not change the position of your hands on the club (your grip). Simply reverse the pressure on the handle. Now stroke the putt and see what happens.
keygolf /Carey: Good to see you here. Could you clarify for me? Do you mean that on the take away that you should feel pressure in your hands as if the take away was a through stroke? On the through stroke you should feel Pressure Point 3 in the right hand . Is the pressure you are talking about the same kind of thing but in the left hand? I know that your son and yourself know Len Mattiace. I watched him practice his putting on a green at the Open on practice day . For about five minutes I was the only one watching. I could not help thinking that had he won the Masters the green would have been packed with people. He looked a fantastic putter to me .
quote:Originally posted by hue
keygolf /Carey: Good to see you here. Could you clarify for me? Do you mean that on the take away that you should feel pressure in your hands as if the take away was a through stroke? On the through stroke you should feel Pressure Point 3 in the right hand . Is the pressure you are talking about the same kind of thing but in the left hand? I know that your son and yourself know Len Mattiace. I watched him practice his putting on a green at the Open on practice day . For about five minutes I was the only one watching. I could not help thinking that had he won the Masters the green would have been packed with people. He looked a fantastic putter to me .

hue: Maintain the "feel" with the reversed pressure throughout the stroke. It should be a constant pressure. It is in both hands, equally. I've never measured the pressure with a guage, so players typically apply whatever amount feels comfortable. However, that usually is short of a "death grip.":D


Thanks Carey. So are you really saying feel a bit of pressure in both hands and keep that the same throughout the stroke? Brian: Are you going to do an article on the Manzella preferred grip after the success of your other article? Thanks.


quote:Originally posted by brianman

#1....hit the middle of the ball with the shaft slightly foreword

#2....Angled Hinge action...(face stays square to PATH)

#3....Butt of club points to same spot the whole stroke

Nahh too easy....
quote:Originally posted by hue

Thanks Carey. So are you really saying feel a bit of pressure in both hands and keep that the same throughout the stroke? Brian: Are you going to do an article on the Manzella preferred grip after the success of your other article? Thanks.
Yep. Equal pressure (balance). Another way to think of it is, if you press your hands toward the butt (the typical, usual), that's what "encourages" those wrist "breakdowns." If you reverse that pressure, it is very difficult for your wrists to collapse, and you aren't "encouraged" to arm swing with the putter.

RPP produces the left hand going left and the right hand going right. That's the way we are "made." it's just a bit more natural. Pressure toward the butt has the right going left and the left going right. (Try that when you march!:D)
So instead of pushing the right hand to the left hand and the left hand to the right hand, we should pull the right hand backwards and the left hand toward the hole when we take our grip? If this is correct, should we use this grip pressure on full shots as well?
quote:Originally posted by benhogan54

So instead of pushing the right hand to the left hand and the left hand to the right hand, we should pull the right hand backwards and the left hand toward the hole when we take our grip? If this is correct, should we use this grip pressure on full shots as well?

"Yes" to the first part, bearing in mind that there is no "degree" of "push or pull" except as your personal comfort level indicates.

The second part takes a bit more consideration. I did have one player several year ago who applied the principle at address, but made no attempt to carry that into the swing (it happened, but not by "force" of application. It merely followed). It did offer support for his concern for a "one-piece" takeaway. But I would not claim that it carries the kind of weight that Homer's "imperatives" have.

If you decide to try this, please use a "clear key" when you do, to provide support for synchronicity. Say something like "Mary had a little lamb, I wish I had one too," while you are swinging.
Bear in mind that it may not "feel" totally in sync the first couple of times you try it, since it is human nature to resist anything we try that is very new (different), at first go.

I know it assists and supports the putting stroke, especially for those who choose the shoulder based method (as differentiated from arms). The only caution needed for the full swing would lie in trying to "make it happen" beyond address. Allowing it to happen would be a whole different thing.

If you do try this, please let me know how it goes.
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