We all make double bogies, but that post must have been made from ignorance of the facts and the history.
The USGA, on their own accord, legalized square grooves back in 1984. Karsten began making them - a lot of them. The USGA just happened to make an adjustment of how the spacing between the grooves was measured, and, just by luck, the Ping grooves were too close by the width of a human hair. Long story short, Ping and the USGA settled out of court grandfathering the pre-April 1990 clubs.
The PGA Tour had jumped behind the USGA in the late 80's. But they were trying to ban square grooves, themselves, not the spacing which the USGA had settled on.
The Tour should have backed off right then and there. But they didn't.
The Tour had 12 board members, which included 4 touring pros - all represented by competitors of Ping.
Again, long story short, the Tour board members voted to change their by-laws, so they could make a rules changes with the 4 playing members abstaining, and then voted to ban square grooves (basically Ping Eye 2s) in THE SAME FRICKEN MEETING. After 3 years, and 5 days before the first court date, the Tour backed down and then settled with Ping with basically the same agreement Ping had with the USGA.
Please don't feel sorry for the Tour and the USGA in this matter. They created this mess. And Ping was the only one that could rescue these guys.