Brian Manzella
I am speaking today at 4:40est....
Justin is talking right now....
Justin is talking right now....
i see a dplane model in front of justin....doesn't look like leitz's....must be trackman issue
Buckets of info for just being a couple hours old. The most glaring thing I've learned/witnessed so far is that being a part of the Manzella community puts you on the cutting edge of the cutting edge and way ahead of the curve.
Everybody knows the safest way to travel in the South is by hitch hiking.
This was my first BM live experience... it was the quickest, most informatively entertaining 40 minutes I've had in golf.
A lot of range time tomorrow, and some live teaching on Sat - helluva way to spend the weekend.
Wow, the camera actually does add 142 lbs.