Long Instruction Rant

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Hi guys, long-time lurker here. I've been struggling with hitting it left since 2007.

Rant on: I frequently heard from instructors and "qualified observers" that I was steep and coming over the top. "See, ya kinda take it back inside, cross the line at the top, then reroute it, and on the downswing you come across the target line with the face shut." Then they broke out the digital crap with red and blue lines or pulled out pros' swing sequences as example of how to do it... Here was the problem: While the wisemen were watching my hands and shoulders, I was looking at the clubhead. "It looks like I somehow manage to swing from the inside." "No it's the camera angle, believe me, you've got the classic hack move..." or "It's impossible to come from the inside with your move at the top." Another thing I clearly saw was that my divots were either at the target or right of it. "If the ball is starting left you HAVE to be coming over the top. You're not reading your divots right." The "fixes" were as counterproductive as the diagnoses. Aim at the inside rear quadrant of the ball (my personal favorite). Take the club to the outside more on the backswing, slide the hips right of the target to initiate the downswing, weaken the grip, use an "Inside Approach" type training aid. Decent fixes for a different problem, fellas. Good thing they're not surgeons..."I come in for a heart procedure and you cut off my WHAT?"

After a recent iron fitting on a launch monitor, I finally had enough and looked for a local instructor who uses Trackman (thanks to my lurking here) or something similar to assist the instruction. Luckily enough I came across Damon Lucas' name, and when I read his background and teaching philosophy on his course's website, I booked a lesson as fast as I could. Funny thing is that without Trackman, Damon diagnosed my problem (and confirmed exactly what I was seeing and feeling) with maybe 5 or 6 wedge swings and as many driver swings. Reader's Digest Condensed version: "You're coming from the inside and flipping. You need to swing left with the lower body leading the leading the hands, and the hands leading the club head through impact." Easy enough. OK, not quite...I'm still working on it and have a way to go, but I've played 3 full rounds since last Friday's lesson, lost 4 drives left (but still in play), and managed to avoid severely short-siding myself on approach shots for 54 holes. Translation: zero double bogeys. Yeah, certainly no big deal for some of you guys, I know, but I haven't gone three rounds without a double since I lost my golf mind in 2007.

What really pisses me off about the whole ordeal is that none of these other instructors saw what my amateur eyes, the ground, a launch monitor, and Damon saw while watching me hit a dozen balls. What is it exactly that these people are looking at? Is it really that freakin' hard to follow the clubhead or is everyone that fixated on what a dude's right shoulder or hands might be doing during one split second in the swing? No wonder why people quit taking lessons. No wonder why people quit golf. In comparison to other amateurs, I've always considered my swing as "effective garbage" but somehow adequate enough to play in the mid-single digits for the past 10 years. I don't expect miracles from instructors, but for God's sake can't they at least follow the clubhead during the swing? Arrgh!

Rant off.

Anyway, if the rest of the GTE instructors are at Damon's level, you guys are in very good shape around here. By the way, Brian, great site. I even visited this place when I took a year off from playing. It's as entertaining as it is educational.
Stuck on the old ballflight laws. Since they couldn't reconcile that with what you were telling them/what the video showed, they fell back on what they knew. Of course, since they're the teacher and you're the student, there's no way that you're right and they're wrong...

Welcome aboard! Damon is awesome! I'm a higher handicap, although most, if not all of that, is due to my driver! Damon & I are working on said driver issues...problem is I can only get down there on weeknights, ( I work in Annapolis - for now ;) and it seems like every weeknight I can make it it rains lol! Maybe the golf gods are telling me something!

Definitely agree that the few lessons I had in the past were pretty much useless!

What courses do you play in the Baltimore area? I live in Bel Air. Have you played Lake Prez yet?
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Pretty much all of us have been in your position before. And I think when we really find out the truth and see it applied to our swings and we then improve, we pretty much want to kill somebody for all of the time, effort and money we spent on the other crap.

Take it from a guy that didn't believe what I was being told about the new laws. It's easier to be stubborn and hard headed than to change your mind and learn.

Unfortunately that's where most instruction is today. Stubborn and unlearning.
Fortunately there are guys like Damon and Brian who are willing to challenge the norms and understand that there are a lot of different ways to hit the ball well. 12 instructors after my first lesson, Damon was the first who asked me what kind of shot I preferred to hit.
At first I thought it was a trick question.


What courses do you play in the Baltimore area? I live in Bel Air. Have you played Lake Prez yet?

As a retired military guy I normally stick to the military courses. They're cheap, and I appreciate a 4:15-4:30 round on Saturday and Sunday mornings. I tried the local public courses last year, and they're a nightmare on weekends.

I haven't played LP yet, but I've heard nothing but good about the course.
I appreciate a 4:15-4:30 round on Saturday and Sunday mornings.

Wow! Is the Sun even up?

Sorry to hear about your crappy instruction. Obviously those guys don't spend their free time trying to learn and improve by tuning in to a site like this.
Damon is an outstanding instructor. I had the good fortune to work with him at Presidential Lake in Aug '09 as well as Kevin, John and Brian. You can't go wrong booking a lesson with any of them.
Fortunately there are guys like Damon and Brian who are willing to challenge the norms and understand that there are a lot of different ways to hit the ball well. 12 instructors after my first lesson, Damon was the first who asked me what kind of shot I preferred to hit.
At first I thought it was a trick question.

As a retired military guy I normally stick to the military courses. They're cheap, and I appreciate a 4:15-4:30 round on Saturday and Sunday mornings. I tried the local public courses last year, and they're a nightmare on weekends.

I haven't played LP yet, but I've heard nothing but good about the course.

First off - thanks for the protection of our country!
We play a lot of courses in the York and Lancaster area - courses are usually better than the local public courses, easier to get a tee time & cheaper! My friends & I usually play on Sunday mornings - just send me a PM if you ever want to join up with us! We generally reserve 2 tee times. I live in Bel Air, but most of the guys in the group are from the Baltimore metro area. Do yourself a favor and play Lake Prez, and also a course in PA called Pilgrims Oak.
My rant :mad:

My daughter is getting lessons from two teaching pro's who have a young golf student helping them....helping ?...... he changed my daughters swing completely.

Because I did notice some swingspeed changes some time ago and the shots where going left and right I asked her to hit some shots on the Trackman to determine if a shaft change was needed.

To my total suprise her club path which used to be around +1 / -1 degree with this "new and improved" swing was almost -10 degree outside :eek::(

lost for words...........
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