Look Out Tiger.....birdie man is coming!

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;) hehe...


Here's a face-on of me from early January.

My swing has been a TOTAL work in progress for about 5 years or something stupid (not much playing when I'm supposed to be PLAYING if u catch my drift) and (I feel) I'm really starting to narrow things down to something that will work well for me. (or something like it) I prolly have tried everything that is possible to try. (every way of swinging...all kinds of patterns)


My swing is very short (very surprised when I saw it actually) but my stance is also fairly open here.

I've been using video a lot more lately (amazing what you see)......and I wasn't gonna post this (not satisfied) but w/e.....enough of being a dork like that.

The frame-rate on my camera isn't that good....I'd like to see what my downswing looks like (club and hands are a blur).....

I have some ideas (for lag and some other things) but haven't tried em yet.
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Nice pose at the end mate....

Would love to see some better quality footage...looks like a hint of throwaway there...and bit of a left side sag...

Gotta ask, what is going on with the stance width...looks like driver width stance..

Sorry, not trying to be negative, but I know you will take it the right way!



Swing looks pretty good...open stance and open left foot looks like you are trying to prevent a hook...your left foot actually turns more thru impact...what is your ball flight/distance like with that 7 iron? Why would you consider hands to shoulder height on the backswing short? Would be great to see a sequence from down the line.
Haha....it's not THAT fast!....everyone tells me that tho. :) Drives me nuts. ;) haha.

BTW don't ask about the Sergio twitching either. (it is just my tick...leave me alone)



Toolish (you bugger)....thanks...I like my finish too.

Throwaway......well.......not a Snap Release anyway. (working on it)

Don't see any left side sag....although I do have lots of weight on the left side here. (I do that with short irons most of the time)

Stance width.....looks wide prolly cause of flared left toe. (didn't know it was that flared till I saw this BTW....prolly restricting my pivot)



Flight is about mid-high but I can bring it up or down if I need to. Normal 7 iron goes about 170-something. (not exactly sure as of now...everything is changing all the time...I'm hitting it better now tho)

It is shorter than I always envisioned it and shorter than when I pose in a mirror. Setup is contributing to that surely tho.
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Birdie man

took a look at it. Very good indeed

If I had some positive criticism or pointers I'd say.

1. Swing too quick and jerky (I love to see a smooth Effortless swing ) Looks like your ready to bash the living hell out the ball.

2. Stance a little wide and feet spread open

3. Look at the club face at the top of the swing which way is it pointing. Toe is pointing towards the camera.

But Hey !! It's still a mile better than mine...


p.s I'll be posting mine soon for a good Laugh
Hey thanks for the response Patty.

1. Ya everyone tells me that. I have a hard time going slow for whatever reason. Could be cause my swing has been in a constant state of change for a real long time (not "in the groove" yet) or it could be just how I swing. I always try to be loose in the arms tho as that is important.

I'll try slowin er down tho and see what happens. Why not.

EDIT: I was thinkin about it more....this (slowing down) could help with the lag....delaying my Release....along with a few other ideas.

2. I think you are right.....although I hit this 7 iron plenty hard enough. I will experiment tho and at least watch it now that I'm aware of it.

3. Ya my face is pointing way to the sky at the top like Trevino. ("shut" some would say) It really stuck out to me when I first saw it. (the Arched-ness....twist-away-ness)

Maybe Brian or someone could comment but really I guess I'm getting my hands and the face into an impact condition ahead of time (really) cause I need to.....even though it feels different than what it is.

I'm gonna experiment with a bunch of stuff and see what it looks like on video. I mean....I'm hitting it good and really am not that worried about it if it works......might as well check it out tho. Got nothing to lose.

Thanks again for the comments.
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Hey thanks for the response Patty.

3. Ya my face is pointing way to the sky at the top like Trevino. ("shut" some would say) It really stuck out to me when I first saw it. (the Arched-ness....twist-away-ness)

Hi Birdie man.

Just been watchin never slice again and Brian talks about this face point so point 3 maybe not a bad thing.

I do slice.. Not that often maybe when I get a bit rushed trying to beat the ball.

That twisting the glove away looks difficult to me though.

I have always gone with the Flat left wrist on plane with the leading edge of the club.,.
Nice Birdie, nice. I agree with most that you're a bit wide for a 7 and the toe is overcooked a bit.

Do you know your tempo time? I think you're fine. It might look better with a longer swing (same tempo longer swing). It's probably natural for you, I think faster is better than slower,,,

Finish looks like you're trying to hit the ball miles high,,,

It's cold up here eh bro?
Gonna get new video up soon BTW.....waiting for left shoulder to heal.

My buddy just tore his rotator cuff and can't pitch anymore so it's a wake-up call to me to let that sucker heal.

I'll hit the range and try these ideas when I'm good to go.
Was out hitting balls today.....range just opened today (yay!)......

Was hitting it pretty good.....esp. for 1st time out....trying some new things....got some on video.....forgot to test a few other ideas but I'll do it later. Shoulder is still a little sketchy...and now right one it buggered....a little sketchy and stiff but not too bad.....lol.....bike + fast + Paul + pole.....don't ask....

The main things I tried today were lowering hands some and turning shoulders steeper (ack!! ;))....what do you think of this Brian? It's not set in stone by any means just experimenting.

New stuff:

-This one is DTL.....I can't believe it still looks more or less the same.....I can practice swing a perfect flat left wrist with matching clubface anytime I want to.....and it feels good- like I can do it.....not so much of a concern as it is a surprise at this point tho. Maybe I'm not bent over enough? Dunno.
Click here to watch Apr-15-DTL

-Face-On.....forgot to turn that left foot in some.....dunno why but I always end up with it like that...not sure if it is a mechanical thing I'm doing instinctively. At this point tho I know it definitely at least is a comfort thing. Restricting pivot tho. Not much Trigger Delay.....but I was hitting it good and did not hit anything left that entire session....but I could turn it over when I tried to.
Click here to watch Apr-15-Face-On

-This one I filmed tonight in the backyard....made me very happy to see the Trigger Delay......1st time I've seen anything like this on video. Experimenting with the Elbow Plane- didn't change anything else. Need to fiddle with this move more.
Click here to watch Apr-15-Backyard-Face-On

EDIT: This one was all over the compost bin BTW...;):D


Comments welcome if you got em...
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Ok, here of course are my personal opinions.

Down the line:

I'm not sure if it's the camera angle or that's how you really line up, but if it's how you line up I think your stance is way to open. I'd aim for a little more square stance. I would also bend the knees less. A good way for you to get into your posture is to hold a club across your hips so it's paralell to the ground. Then just stick your butt back as far as you can or until the club is lowered to right above the knee caps. You should feel some tension in your hamstrings, so bend your knees just enough to release the tension. Onward to the swing portion. At the top of your backswing the club is a little to deep, I'd work on trying to keep it in front of your chest more. I believe this will also help with the face orientation. I also believe it will allow you to come into the ball a little more shallow.

I think the rest looks ok. If you choose to follow my advice great, if it doesn't ring with you, that's ok too. If you choose to follow it, make these changes, revisit the divot drill (one of the best ever!!!) and see where you are.



Hey Birdieman

Could be all wrong on these but here we go:

Looks like you might set up with neutral grip but then you regrip to a stronger grip right before you start back.

Your backswing looks like it comes back in quickly and then you do a little lifting...your clubface is arriving in a closed position at the top.

Whatever happened to closing up that left foot like BM suggested.

Have you ever messed around with lasers or a planeboard to check your shaft plane...I would guess that it would show that you come in underplane at the start of your backswing.

Like I said I could be all wrong on this stuff...hard to stop and start the video to see exactly the various positions/paths.

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