Modern video, even swing vision video, will not allow readily to infer the precise trajectory of the club head through the impact zone. Using graphics driven by mathematics it is more convenient to look at impact trajectories. A possible golf swing, using a three segment golf model, consisting of shoulders (half shown), lead arm, and golf club, is shown in Fig1.
Blue dot - taken to be the stable physical center of the model. Is the also the center of the swing for the first part of the downswing.
Red dot - effective instantaneous center of clubhead trajectory during the bottom part of the swing.
Green dot - ball position
Looking at Fig1 one would be very much inclined to think that to take a large pro like divot there has to be also a downward movement of the physical center during the down swing. The angle of attack as shown is not really resulting in much of a divot with the trajectory almost level. Yet the swing bottom is quite ahead of the ball position (14.5 cm).
It is interesting to note that whilst the shoulder joint moves away from the ball and the club strives towards the inline condition that the trajectory of the clubhead is nevertheless still moving quite closely along a circular path with a stable center given by the placement of the red dot. However, its location can vary greaty. For instance for a "fipper" it might be located close to the wrists but it can also move out to infinity, depending on the relative angular motion of the three segments.