Low Point Control - Fat Shots (30-60 yard shots)

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I seem to hit it fat on my shots between 30-60 yards. It feels like I tilt back on the downswing and/or come too far from the inside when I hit the fat shot. Anyone come
"over the top" slightly to make sure their low point isn't too far behind the ball (as a result of coming too far inside)? This shot is killing me right now.
My own experience with fat shots from those short distances almost always involves stalling on my pivot. I am afraid of hitting it too hard and those slow everything down so that my hips do not clear fast enough. I try to do a couple of things: 1. Make sure that my backswing is only so long as I need to hit the ball as far as I want. That helps me not to decelerate as I go through impact, and 2. Remember to swing left. Brian has said in the past that swinging left is the key to lowpoint control. I have found that to be true, and in particular, I try to focus on swinging left from their lowpoint, at or around my right leg. I have to pivot through impact in order to swing left. That will also help with coming from inside too much. Just some thoughts. Hope they help.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
You are not swinging left enough period. You are trying to do it with either all your arms or your hands and your steering your HSP.


I used to deal with this exact same issue. When I got an hour lesson on these shots from BManz we figured what worked best for my extremely inside move was a mini twistaway on the backswing then hold on the downswing. The hold on the downswing is the key and it got me swinging to the left. But you absolutley have to have a big portion of weight on the front side. I actually kick both knees towards the target at address and leave there the entire swing.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
But you absolutley have to have a big portion of weight on the front side. I actually kick both knees towards the target at address and leave there the entire swing.

Maybe for you but not for everyone, i find too much weight on the front causing a too downward angle of attack on higher handicappers when they try to make pitch shots.


Maybe for you but not for everyone, i find too much weight on the front causing a too downward angle of attack on higher handicappers when they try to make pitch shots.

Makes sense, I have always had a sweep release. Probably gives me just enough downward angle of attack.
Too much front side weight at address or in backswing can also cause a reverse tilt, and actually shallow the impact too. See it in bunkers a lot.


I've always had problems opening the face and swinging in the bunkers. I can hit the shots with a closed face no problem. But when I open it up I hit it skinny every time. Makes sense, I keep my weight on front foot and even when I swing really upright I come in shallow. Thanks for the responses. I hope this will really improve my bunker play.
An idea that you may find helpful. I get a sense of my basic direction ala plane line. I then address the ball with the shaft vertical to the line (slight forward lean b/c the sweetspot is behind the hosel.I stand relatively square so it feels as though the shaft is leaning away from the target. The face is square to the target but open to the swing direction. Then I release the shaft on the ds as close to the address as possible. I seem to nip it nicely...a lot shallower than times past. Tip right wrist has to straighten a bit.
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