Low Point Control

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i have played golf for about 15 years. i have been a low single digit (between 2 - 6) for the last four years.
my greatest weakness has always been my ball striking, especially under pressure, so last year i decided i really needed to go after learning and mastering the 3 imperatives.
recently, after reviewing some of brian's videos (cff, nsa, you tube shows), i have come to the realization that, as much as i have practiced and played over the last decade +, i have no low point control. i can't consistently make a divot where i am looking...this is most apparent when i enter a bunker and draw a line...OUCH it hurts to be that bad!
any one have any tips/drills/past threads that may help?
i understand the drills in cff, and have worked on the 3 ball drill, and ben's bunker drill. it's not that i can't ever do it, i just can't control it (i.e., do it 99% of the time)...what gives?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
You either don't have a consistent flat left wrist OR you are swaying off the ball in the backswing or swaying in the foward swing OR your plane line is not consistent.

All 3 will have the most effect on your low point
i am with you birdie...that's why i am here! i can hang with good players...but with this i could whoop em! i just don't always have the compression and the consistent, penetrating flight that the really good players have...

thank you for your suggestions, and as usual, i am sure you are right.
as far as plane line, it is somewhat consistent, because i play a pretty consistent draw...never one (accidentally) left to right and the next right to left. now whether its too far right, i'll do some research on that.

as far as swaying goes, i am 99% sure i don't on the backswing. however, on the downswing, i am not so sure that my neckbone always stays behind my tailbone as bm would say...is that what you mean by swaying on the downswing? when i do make sure my head stays back...i hit it really high.

as far as the flat left wrist goes...i sure hope so b/c i have been working at it!
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