Well I just have to comment. RichieJack3 says, "Chiropractors are very good. It's sort of a profession that gets thought of as a 'scam' or 'black magic', but it's really good stuff. "
I would qualify that statement to read "Some Chiropractors are ......" Now why would I say that? Because a couple of decades ago, two of my best friends (one my next door neighbor) were successful chiropractors. The truth came out several times after some significant alcohol consumption. Chiropractic is a way to mint money. They do, admitted by my friends, keep people coming back over and over again. Even the good ones do this.
Here is a short, personal golf related story. In short, I played like 5 days in a row and on Sunday morning felt a pain in my upper back on the first tee. Like a typical foolish male, I kept on playing. Gave up on hole 5 when I bent over an wedge and couldn't raise back up. After several days on the couch, I went to a local recommended Chiro. Xrays taken and I heard the expected phrases, "Muscles in Spasm", Vertbrae Number ? out of adjustment." So they did an adjustment, a deep tissue massage with a vibrating heat emitting tool. This went on for several weeks in a row, maybe a month. I was getting better. Then came the visit where he took another X-Ray. He put it up on the light screen and announced that now I was out of alignment on Vertebrae #(Different one).
So I said, hmmm, go get my original X-ray film. He wouldn't do it. I knew it would be identical to the current one on that joint.
I explained that I knew the game and wouldn't be back. I really could have achieved the same result with a Physical Therapist. In any event, I couldn't play Golf for almost a year.
I do know many people who get relief from Chiropractic, but Caveat Emptor. Some of them are truly ethically challenged and claim to literally cure anything by popping (adjusting the spine).