lunging(too much weight forward)?

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i am having trouble with a somewhat lunging motion that gets me too far onto my front side. not that i am really feeling off balance, but i do not feel as centered as i should be. i think this is what gets my swing a bit steep on drives as my spin rates are high and my angle of attack is too high as well. any suggestions?
You have to "tilt your tea cup" About half way through this link below Brian talks about tilting your tea cup. The video isn't specific to lunging, but it might help you get the idea of lunging vs tilting.

If the link doesn't work right, copy it, open Quicktime, hit "ctrl+U", paste the link in the box that pops up, and hit enter. It should work this way.

Good luck.
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Tom Bartlett

When most people say they are 'lunging' they mean that their head is going DOWN toward the ball. But, I think you are saying that your head is going forward toward the target. If so, it is probably because of a faulty pivot. I have found that good players know that they have to 'stay in front' of the club. Although there are examples of good players who do each, the most popular and best is through rotation. The other two are lifting up...the player stands up through the ball to continue to feel the pull through impact ( Peter Senior comes to mind) and sliding forward to feel the pull (players in the 70's did it with strong leg drive) and I have some friends that do it with upper body slide. If this describes what you are doing, try to 'feel' like you keep your head over your right knee and get your belt buckle to face the target at impact.
That's exactly what I'm doing. I don't really dip my head, in fact I do stand up a bit it seems. Prob. why my misses tend to be thin shots if anything. Keeping the head above the knee reminds me of scott hazeltine in saying to keep the nose on top of the knee. I'll keep practicing this.
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