Maintaining lag

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When just generally swinging the club, practicing without hitting balls i'm trying to work on keeping the wrist cocked until the club is parellel to the ground on the downswing. This causes a little soreness in my forearms. So am i incorrect in what i'm trying to do or is it a lack of muscle strength in the forearms. Thanks.
quote:Originally posted by revert

When just generally swinging the club, practicing without hitting balls i'm trying to work on keeping the wrist cocked until the club is parellel to the ground on the downswing. This causes a little soreness in my forearms. So am i incorrect in what i'm trying to do or is it a lack of muscle strength in the forearms. Thanks.

How old are you?? :):)

Seriously, a new muscle or two might get sore, but.... when you say keeping wrists cocked into deep into the swing (Doyle term) remember it is the right wrist that is bent, folded back, and only the left wrist that is cocked -- and flat.
Once you get into this position, deep into the swing, hands in front to the body, right shoulder low, left high, left arm the vertical side of the triangle (right forearm and shoulder line the other two sides, snap the pivot and hips into the ball. Doyle says, this is where to be quick. Muscles will rejoice !! :D:D


Mike Austin's image of the "7" is a huge key here....

When you have 'set' the right wrist angle, at the top, you have also 'set' several other angles - one of which is the angle of the shoulder line and the left arm (the "7") - if you think of that relationship, and the concept of the right hand and shoulder BOTH moving DOWN at the same rate, you don't have to think much about the hands at all. Personally, I find that thinking of the back of the left shoulder more helpful, because getting it back behind the ball, gives the hands and arms the 'inside' path, that the right shoulder can then drive DOWN until the angles are released as the right arm extends downplane - this is the 'rock skip' motion - setting those angles, and getting the right shoulder down for the 'throw'
Not tooo old, 38. I played off a 4 handicap last season and haven't played much since september. Just find im slapping the ball a little now, not making a very solid contact at all, feels to me like im releasing a little early. Thanks for the tips guys, i'll try them out.

Also meant to mention im trying hard to work on keeping the back of the left hand/wrist straight at impact, finding it real difficuilt. Any tips or drills?
quote:Originally posted by revert

Not tooo old, 38. I played off a 4 handicap last season and haven't played much since september. Just find im slapping the ball a little now, not making a very solid contact at all, feels to me like im releasing a little early. Thanks for the tips guys, i'll try them out.

Also meant to mention im trying hard to work on keeping the back of the left hand/wrist straight at impact, finding it real difficuilt. Any tips or drills?

The left is only flat because the right is bent, NOT the other way around.

Try thinking of the left wrist being flat from the shoulder to the first set of knuckles on the hand. This will get you to stop thinking about just the wrist. The that whole left side is vertical at impact, not just the wrist.
I hate saying this because some hate the answer but train the hands, these "wedges" holding the club, with PROPER chipping procedures. Flat left, high left shoulder, snap hips into the ball. Club strikes downward, hands swivel past aiming point.
quote:Originally posted by 6bee1dee
I hate saying this because some hate the answer but train the hands, these "wedges" holding the club, with PROPER chipping procedures. Flat left, high left shoulder, snap hips into the ball. Club strikes downward, hands swivel past aiming point.

Absolutely. People tend to dismiss chipping and pitching small distances as tedious and inconsequential to gaining a good full swing.
I did not see any improvement in my fullswing until I made an all out effort to get my chipping game down to a respectable level. I love nothing more now than going to a chipping green and seeing how much I can differ the ball flight and checkspin, it's a part of practice that's most enjoyable and no stress on the joints and muscles and the best way to learn the feel of proper lag and pivot at a speed that will enhance ones feel.


You can have as much "lag" as you want regardless of wrist cock.

By simply "thinking about" hitting an imaginary ball as far beyond impact as possible, which is kind of tough to do, though, you will "show" a nice bend right wrist and a flat/or slightly bowed left through impact. Besides, a nice “axis tilt” and a beautifully full finish in perfect balance will appear as well. Aren’t those what you are looking for?

BTW, I’ll shorten the backswing to half to lengthen the forward/down swing to double.
You guys have been great, thanks for all the help. I know what i need to work on now. I'm pretty sure my left writ is cupped a little at impact, don't know why i've got this way but i know what to work on now. It doesn't feel like it's going to be easy but i'll keep going until i get it right.


ravert: Drag a heavy towel along the ground when attached to the club head or do the same thing with a wet mop to get the heavy constant drag feel of lag. Think hands not club head . The hands lead the club follows.
Thanks for the drills hue. Silvercreek, i'm trying to phyically keep the right wrist bent past impact. Feel a little unnatural right now though


quote:Originally posted by 6bee1dee

Try thinking of the left wrist being flat from the shoulder to the first set of knuckles on the hand. This will get you to stop thinking about just the wrist. The that whole left side is vertical at impact, not just the wrist.
I hate saying this because some hate the answer but train the hands, these "wedges" holding the club, with PROPER chipping procedures. Flat left, high left shoulder, snap hips into the ball. Club strikes downward, hands swivel past aiming point.

great post! well said re: the shoulder/wrist image/feel

re: chipping, and how much it helps... one of the best ways I know to learn is to play 'blocks' during any waiting on the tee/long rounds

a fun way to both learn (and bet) while avoiding getting annoyed at slow play - focus on the bent right wrist and right arm extension while playing, and your long game will improve
One last question regarding this. If the right wrist is bent at impact, left hand inline with the forearm, should the left wrist feel firm, solid, so as it can't breakdown and if so would this happen coming into impact or be maintained throughout the swing?
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