Make a Proper Waggle

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There isn't much instruction regarding the waggle anyone. Hogan and others of his time placed more emphasis on it. I remember the uniqueness of Bobby Clampett's right arm/elbow waggle when I first watched him in the late 70's.

Brian, is there a correct way to waggle from a TGM prpspective? I'm a hitter if that helps. Thanks,

Brian Manzella

Use your BENDING right elbow to bend your right wrist.

Stop the club with your right forefinger.

Drag it a little toward the ball with the forefinger and forearm...the relase back to original alignments.

That is the Hogan/Doyle/Manzella waggle.

The Homer waggle (over the ball) is just not that useful (to me) in 'real world' conditions. is a great drill, though....
Thanks Brian, I'll work on it. (I can't remember if you covered the waggle in your video, I'll go back and see)

btw - What was Clampett's right elbow flap trying to accomlpish?
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