Making a cheat sheet

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I am making a cheat sheet of TGM terms that I can keep by my computer so that I can more easily follow the discussion threads because I love the info. being shared on this site, soooooo....could somebody list off the different Pressure Points by their corresponding numbers as well as the Accumulators and any other TGM lingo that you may think is useful to know. Sorry guys, I know that you probably get this quite a bit but it would really help me follow along better. Thanks.
There are 4 pressure points, three on the hands- all behind the shaft and one (#4), the top of the left arm.

PP#1 -The heel of the right hand where it touches either the left thumb on the shaft
PP#2 - The last three fingers of the left hand wrapped on shaft.
PP#3 -.The base of first joint of the right index finger. The King of Pressure Points
PP#4 -. Wherever the left arm contacts the left side.

This is on page 77 of Homer’s book. Perhaps the best cheater guide but hey, some don’t like the mention of having a copy, so I’ll stop. Not my business- I listed the four pressure points for ya.
There was a time when all this was free on various TGM forums but those days are gone. Do try a search on this one, Chuck’s and Lynn’s and see what you can cut and paste from them.


Power Accumulators:

Power Accumulator #1 – the bending/unbending of the right (trail) arm.

Power Accumulator #2 – the cocking, uncocking of the left (lead) wrist.

Power Accumulator #3 – the angle formed by the clubshaft and the left (lead) forearm before any cocking or uncocking of the left (lead) wrist.

Power Accumulator #4 – the angle formed by the left (lead) arm and the line across the shoulders.
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