Brian Manzella
Hey folks.
We just finished another Manzella Academy Golf School.
I went very well, the golfers improved, learned a lot, had fun, and so did we.
I was trilled to do this school with my long-time pals and proteges, Tom Bartlett, Mike Finney and Chris Hamburger. A better threesome of 'so-called' assistant teachers, no golf school can beat.
We have been tinkering with the format of our schools. This one featured 4 instructors and 4 students! Two instructors worked the whole school (Me and Tom), Chris worked about half and Mike worked a little over a fourth of the time.
For the most part, we had three teachers and four students on the range at one time. An IDEAL set-up for a school.
I have worked hard my whole life to be a teacher who gives A+ lessons 99% of the time.
Golf Schools of ANY KIND, will never ever teach their students as well. But you can get close to private lesson quality and we got closer this weekend.
I still think we need either four teachers with 5 students or 5 teachers with 6 students—for the ENTIRE SCHOOL—to get as close as you could to my private lesson quality.
We will continue to improve our product, but we have another wrinkle coming "down the pike" : A traveling Private Lesson set-up, coming to a town near you.
We really want to be the best, and our products will continue to improve everyday.
We just finished another Manzella Academy Golf School.
I went very well, the golfers improved, learned a lot, had fun, and so did we.
I was trilled to do this school with my long-time pals and proteges, Tom Bartlett, Mike Finney and Chris Hamburger. A better threesome of 'so-called' assistant teachers, no golf school can beat.
We have been tinkering with the format of our schools. This one featured 4 instructors and 4 students! Two instructors worked the whole school (Me and Tom), Chris worked about half and Mike worked a little over a fourth of the time.
For the most part, we had three teachers and four students on the range at one time. An IDEAL set-up for a school.
I have worked hard my whole life to be a teacher who gives A+ lessons 99% of the time.
Golf Schools of ANY KIND, will never ever teach their students as well. But you can get close to private lesson quality and we got closer this weekend.
I still think we need either four teachers with 5 students or 5 teachers with 6 students—for the ENTIRE SCHOOL—to get as close as you could to my private lesson quality.
We will continue to improve our product, but we have another wrinkle coming "down the pike" : A traveling Private Lesson set-up, coming to a town near you.
We really want to be the best, and our products will continue to improve everyday.