Manzella Drill questions

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1. Hurdle drill

Can you expand on this Brian? I can't quite visualise it.

2. Three Ball Drill

Tailbone in FRONT of the line. Is this still as you see it?
Hurdle drill.............put something directly behind your have to hit down enough on the ball to not hit the object.

Three ball drill I think is either lining up 3 balls so that when you look down in front of you from address they look like either:




"Hit the middle ball."

It is to correct your path in the desired direction. (hopefully you can see how each would work, respectively)

(BTW I tried to use 0s to illustrate the balls as they'd look with you peering down on them but the forum auto-corrected them all to "left align" annoyingly)

Hope I got that right.
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Cheers birdie man,

It was the tailbone ahead of the balls bit that had me thinking........

Mine's never that far forward i'm sure.....
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