What is the Manzella Matrix? (in 450 words or less)
Most Golf Teachers are "one pattern" teachers. I was one too—once upon a time. One or two patterns will never reach the varieties of golfers that exist in the world of golf. Too limiting. Most teaching systems promise results "one day."
It has been my goal for 25 years to become the World's Best Golf Teacher. To do that I needed to find a way to be able to help golfers "right now" and do it in a way that allow for long term development. The day was a long time coming. But that day is here today on my lesson tee.
Most golf swings are either DRAW swings or FADE swings. Even Ben Hogan said that hitting a straight ball was an accident.
In my 25 years on the lesson tee, when teaching non-beginners, I find that 95% of all lessons start by either moving the golfer toward a draw "pattern" (all the elements that make up a unique golf swing) or a fade "pattern." This is despite the fact that the DRAW golfer may still hit a draw after being "fixed," and the fade golfer a fade.
Over the years I delvoped two very distinct patterns and methods, at what I call the "outside edges" of what became the MANZELLA MATRIX. The
Never Slice Again pattern and method, and the
Never Hook Again pattern and method.
Golfers who have patterns "outside" the "outside edges" of the MANZELLA MATRIX either swing TOO FAR outside-in with TOO OPEN a clubface for an effective fade, or TOO FAR inside-out with TOO CLOSED a clubface for an effective draw.
The first goal of the MANZELLA ACADEMY is to get the golfer "inside the MATRIX." Then over time, a totally customized pattern can be developed, often closer to the "Middle of the MATRIX."
The MIDDLE of the MATRIX is simply the most basic and orthodox of all swing elements that would produce a straight ball. I have not presented this "Exact Middle" pattern to the masses. Soon.
Two new patterns have emerged: The "SOFT FADE" and The "SOFT DRAW."
So a simple "straight line" MANZELLA MATRIX is 5 basic patterns.
1.0 Never Slice Again
2.0 "Soft Draw"
3.0 "Exact Middle"
4.0 "Soft Fade"
5.0 Never Hook Again
The MANZELLA MATRIX 5 can "branch off" in any number of ways, one of which is by varying release points. Another, would be alternate plane shift combinations.
Just as importantly, the MANZELLA MATRIX is also a
WAY to teach, a basic philosophy about the swing, and the science to back it all up.
It will be a book, and then a video.
Hope this helps.