Manzella neutral and club lie

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After watching never slice again, a phenomenal video by the way, I decided to change my grip to Manzella neutral from a moderately strong grip. While it felt significantly different, I noticed immediately that my clubs seemed to sit more upright. I had long been fitted as 2degree flat by multiple clubfitters, my grip had moved the club lower at setup than the neutral grip. Has anyone made this change and discovered they needed more upright irons, or am I doing something wrong?

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
I actually ended up using more flat lie irons. Lie angles depend on a lot of things. Don't really read much into it. Just make sure you get fit on a board and whatever it is, it is.
grip change

If more of your hand (especially heel pad) was on top of the grip before with your stronger grip, then the butt end of the club would sit a bit lower, and it'd look like you need flatter clubs. Going to the a more neutral grip will usually bring the butt end of the club up in relation to where it was before. This sounds like it may be the case here. My tendency is for the grip to slide a little too much into my left palm, which brings the butt end up and my club's toe goes down.

EDIT: Woops, sorry, wrong forum for me to putt in my 2 cents. Delete if necessary.
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