So... for a while now I have thought that I had the "manzella neutral" grip down pat... not so much, at least I don't think.
the other day I was out playing with my dad and after a hard faught 42
on the front, we get to the 10th hole a 310 yard dogleg right par four, where i squib a 3 iron (which I never have a problem hitting) off of the teebox... I precede to send an 8 iron (instead of working it right) left... into the bushes.
now I'm dropping and sitting 4, my dad has nailed the green in 2, sitting 6 feet from the hole, when I remember something I believe Kobylinski said about practicing 30 yard shots while weakening the grip, so I weakened my grip, and pulled the trigger from 30 yards out. landed 4 feet and stopped dead.
next hole, 140 yards, and I hit a 9 iron there... winds in my face so I grab the 9 anyway get up there, and because I already had a "stellar" front nine
I try something i normally wouldn't mid round... I weakened my grip again, and absolutely blasted that thing, perfect contact, beautiful divot... never felt anything like it before, and I have had some good ball striking days... next hole, blasted a 7iron from 175 out, middle of the green... i did it because i usually hit a 6 iron there but the results from the previous 9 going far in the wind made me think about how far the next shot would go. last hole we played (we skipped a few dad had to make it home) I blasted a drive 310, with a baby fade... it felt so right!!! but the grip feels so freaking weak at address, however when the swing starts, i feel like I know exactly where the clubface is the whole time... something I NEVER felt with the old grip.
what is going on? please explain this to me.
yesterday took my pwedge to the park, where we walk our dogs, and hit a few shots, one I stepped off at 160 yards
the other day I was out playing with my dad and after a hard faught 42
now I'm dropping and sitting 4, my dad has nailed the green in 2, sitting 6 feet from the hole, when I remember something I believe Kobylinski said about practicing 30 yard shots while weakening the grip, so I weakened my grip, and pulled the trigger from 30 yards out. landed 4 feet and stopped dead.
next hole, 140 yards, and I hit a 9 iron there... winds in my face so I grab the 9 anyway get up there, and because I already had a "stellar" front nine
what is going on? please explain this to me.
yesterday took my pwedge to the park, where we walk our dogs, and hit a few shots, one I stepped off at 160 yards
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