Manzella neutral

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My grip appears to me to be fairly neutral, but when i do the Manzella test to see if the clubface and flat left match, my club is shut relative to my flat left wrist by about 30 degrees, and i do fight a pull. Anywho, I with great discipline practiced the Manzella Neutral, which is a very weak feel. It feels at first like I don't have enough strength to swing the club back, but after diligent practice, I could swivel that bad boy with three right hands and nnot hook to save my life. Sound like someone else? Hmmmmm...

Brian Manzella


When I went tot the Hogan factory a few years back and got to go to Hogan's office and put the MAN's clubs in my hands, there was little doubt that out left hand grips were exactly the same.

Hogan's right hand WAS weaker than mine, though.

I have figured out a new test for the grip and a couple of new wrikles and will have it in an upcoming video short.


I assume matching the clubface with the left hand faclitates monitoring the clubface by monitoring the left hand .

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
The manzella neutral grip is one where when the left wrist is perfectly flat or even arched (very slightly) the clubface matches the left forearm. This allows you to have a full horizontal hinge without too much fear of getting the "lefts."

However i do believe brian has a few new ideas revolved around the grip and he will be doing a video short / article soon about it. I play with the manzella neutral grip (maybe a slight hair stronger) and as long as my clubpath is good, i can swing as fast as i want and the ball won't go left. It will either go straight or slightly fade.

The only time i get the lefts is when my clubpath is off and i get a bad pull or the dreaded pull-hook :( :( :( I had one of those yesterday, OUCH. Pull-hooked it into the the other fairway and into the forest and lost the ball.

Brian Manzella

I used to teach a (fairly) strong grip to everybody else.

I figured out that it didn't work as good as the Manzella-Neutral...

The newer grip (anatomically flat and 'matching) doesn't work for slicers or the Never Slice Again swing nearly as well though.
quote:Originally posted by brianman

The newer grip (anatomically flat and 'matching) doesn't work for slicers or the Never Slice Again swing nearly as well though.

Is this newer grip the one you are gonna talk about in the video?


Unless you have a club with zero offset, wouldn't a 'true matching' left hand and clubface really be open?
After recently reading TGM, one point on the grip confuses me a bit. The recommened basic pattern grip for both swingers and hitters (I am almost definitely a swinger, or at least should be) is Strong Single Action 10-2-B. In 10-2-0 it states "Unless otherwise indicated the left thumb is always placedon the same line as PP #3 and covered with the cup of the right hand palm." Also, 10-2-B says "The #3 PP and the Left Thumb are now on the Aft Side of the Clubshaft on an On Plane Location for Impact Support".

I know TGM allows for various patters, but i was surprised that it does not recommend a "neutral" grip as in the Manzella neutral. I am wrong to say that 10-2-0 and 10-2-B are incompatible with using the back of the left hand as a proxy for clubface control? I did fool around the the 10-2-B grip with the Left Thumb on the Aft Side of the shaft, and did notice it allow a little bit greater range of wrist cock and a bit "stronger" or more powerful feeling but I would think the corresponding loss of control from the lack of a back of left hand reference point would be too big a price to pay for this extra power.

Would Brian or others care to comment on this?
I think it feels weird to put your thumb on the side of the shaft...unless I had a stronger grip, in which case I prolly would put it there.


I hate when people refer to the inaccurate terminology which infests our golfing pursuits....

Strong, Neutral and Weak grips is such a terminology...

The left hand is merely a hinge pin - an up or down motion...cock and uncock, a lever if you will - this is the no.2 accumulator out of line condition of the power package. What ever you plan to have at impact, this will then be your flat left wrist and the functions of the hands are to support it.... If you understand what your doing to bring your hands to where you calculated at impact fix then your not in any doubt as to its position and its associated motion during the golf stroke... how much it is turned is irrelevant apart from having/not having the advantages of pp3 and thumb aft...

When people talk in such a way, it lowers the tone of everything that the golfing machine stands for.... we need to set an example by not being as ignorant as those who follow the likes of David 'moron' Leadbetter .....
lol ya man take it easy.

You should be careful with calling people ignorant really...I get the point to what you're saying but maybe it would help if you try and be a bit more gracious...I'm not gonna be pissed but please try.

I'll talk in TGM language from now on...maybe I was being a little vague, lazy, w/e.

For the record, I meant stronger than the 'Manzella Neutral' grip...I honestly don't know what grip that is in TGM terms. I just generally meant stronger- W/E.
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