Manzella standard pivot

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If you were to do your standard pivot, let's say for a 7-iron, nothing fancy needed, with the sun behind you and your shadow in front with a ball placed on the shadow in the triangle where the legs join below your zipper, another right where you think the centre of rotation is, just below the last button on your polo shirt and another ball right between your ears and you then took your backswing, where would your shadow end up with respect to the balls?

My guess, ball between the legs shadow has just about stayed where it is, maybe a fraction closer to the target, ball in the centre of the chest right there still in the centre of the chest, ball between the ears a fraction towards the left ear.

Thought this would a great way for people to get a good idea of the pivot on the backswing.

Ha - if I tried to think about all that I'd never be able to hit the ball!

I appreciate the comment, but this is a training exercise to be done without hitting a ball. My students have found it particularly useful as it provides instant feedback about the quality of the pivot. It also allows you to experiment with different pivots and their associated feels, you can go from one end of the spectrum to another with the ability to immediately check the precision of the movement. The best time of day to do it, at least here in Spain, is from 10 to 12 and then from 4 to 6, if not the shadow is either too long or too short. I'd recommend it whole-heartedly to anybody, as a training aid it is also one of the cheapest currently available in the market.
Brian, think you were away when I posted this. Would really appreciate your views. I honestly believe that this exercise can substantially help golfers to improve their pivots as it provides instant feedback and an opportunity to experiment with a variety of pivot options and feels.

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