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Brian Manzella

You Host is getting his torn rotator cuff/bone spur problem taken care of tommorrow.

Sorry I haven't been able to post much, but will give ya'll the update when I feel up to it later tommorrow...

wish me luck:D


I am an anesthesiologist. Talk to your anesthesia provider about an interscalene nerve block. You will feel no pain after surgery for a good 8-10 hours. Preemptive analgesia is a super hot topic in anesthesia right now. Starting to get new information about blocking pain pathways and how this relates to pain after surgery and healing (decreased stress response). I offer them to all my shoulder patients and they are very happy. I also give an oral antiinflammatory drug (eg. Bextra) a couple hours before surgery. Again, lots of new research coming out about blocking the cox-2 receptors and their modulation on the stress response to surgery (interleukins, tissue factors, etc.). I think these can go a long way for immediate post op satisfaction, and long term healing.
I heard the surgery got delayed by an hour and half. One of the nurses asked the doctor how his Natural Golf lessons were coming. Got kind of heated, then Brian got up on the operating table and demonstrated clubhead lag.

Brian Manzella

Surgery went fine....typing is one-handed...;)

the tear wasn't to bad and to me (on the video) the spur was bigger.

thanks for all the kind words....


quote:Originally posted by brianman

Surgery went fine....typing is one-handed...;)

the tear wasn't to bad and to me (on the video) the spur was bigger.

thanks for all the kind words....

That is good news Brian. What caused the problem in the first place?


How long does he estimate a full recovery will take? What impact is this going to have on you work schedule? Hope you get well soon. Take it easy.
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