Brian Manzella
Our late great friend Tommy Moore, often said that I should think hard about Teaching Teachers. "You are very good at it," Tommy always said.
He was—at the time—learning to become a teacher, and he did so partially by hanging around myself and Tom Bartlett, nearly everyday, picking our brains.
So he knew we had something.
We do.
I have spent a quarter of a century learning to do something—live golf instruction—better than 99.9% of all the people who have ever done it.
I have also taught a few people to do it as well. Michael Finney, Tom Bartlett and Chris Hamburger being my star pupils in this regard. Guys like Jim Kobylinski, Ryan Smither and Damon Lucas are more recent examples.
So.....what to do??....
We thought hard about a "Certified Manzella Instructor" Program, but, to be honest, The Golfing Machine, LLC are already in that business, so I needed to do something else.
I have talked about it with Joe Daniels and Ben Doyle, and it seems as one day, in the not too distant future there will be an OFFICIAL The Golfing Machine, LLC program to allow/require already Authorized Instructors of The Golfing Machine to "study" with current, active G.S.E.D.'s. Sort of a "fellowship" program like the physicians do.
But...what about now??....
For now, it is really pretty simple.
I will do as I have always done, and help ANYONE with their teaching for my normal teaching rate.
Just call me at 502.417.GOLF
Our late great friend Tommy Moore, often said that I should think hard about Teaching Teachers. "You are very good at it," Tommy always said.
He was—at the time—learning to become a teacher, and he did so partially by hanging around myself and Tom Bartlett, nearly everyday, picking our brains.
So he knew we had something.
We do.
I have spent a quarter of a century learning to do something—live golf instruction—better than 99.9% of all the people who have ever done it.
I have also taught a few people to do it as well. Michael Finney, Tom Bartlett and Chris Hamburger being my star pupils in this regard. Guys like Jim Kobylinski, Ryan Smither and Damon Lucas are more recent examples.
So.....what to do??....
We thought hard about a "Certified Manzella Instructor" Program, but, to be honest, The Golfing Machine, LLC are already in that business, so I needed to do something else.
I have talked about it with Joe Daniels and Ben Doyle, and it seems as one day, in the not too distant future there will be an OFFICIAL The Golfing Machine, LLC program to allow/require already Authorized Instructors of The Golfing Machine to "study" with current, active G.S.E.D.'s. Sort of a "fellowship" program like the physicians do.
But...what about now??....
For now, it is really pretty simple.
I will do as I have always done, and help ANYONE with their teaching for my normal teaching rate.
Just call me at 502.417.GOLF