Look at the clubface in the punch iron. Im not criticizing the swing at all. I was just wondering if it has ever been considered as a problem. Veeeery open. I think he backs up his hips through the ball to square it up.
Compare to the driver actually the punch shot looks the best path wise and the ball flight was perfect, almost straight, it really looks that he's swinging more left with the punch but he has to I guess with the ball back.
Kevin Please expain "backs up his hips through the ball to square it up". isn't the kinetic chain snap? I just can't see any problems with his pivot, it's really good.
ClubFace problems? yes when he leaves it open to the 6 inside out path or when rolling he's left wrist (twistaway) too much trying to save it and hooks it of the planet with 8 inside out path...
I don't no, I see your swing, I see tiger, hogan, clubface looks the same 3 feet before impact (last time parallel) - it's either toe up (45 degree open) or maybe bit more open or less (40-60 degree open).
Through out his downswing clubface squares up from 90 open at the top to square to the PATH at impact (scratch golfer).
That's how I see it -
Originally Posted by erobbins
ok.. I don't get it.
if someone's path was 3° in-out every time, and the face was varying degrees of open or closed, how is that a path problem? the path is consistent!
Brian answer -
Let me do a better job this time...more realistic.
Ball #1: Path 3° inside-out, Face 0° square, big draw left of target
Golfer to Self: "Boy I must have come over the top of that one, I won't this (next) time."
Ball #2: Path 6° inside-out, Face 3° open, nice draw at the target
Golfer to Self: "Boy I sure am glad I learned not to come over the top."
Ball #3: Path 6° inside-out, face 7° open, push cut in the water.
Golfer to Self: "I can't believe I blocked that one. I'll 'release' on this next one."
Ball #4: Path 6° inside-out, face 1° closed, broken window in house on left