Manziposium in Port St Lucie, FL

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I attended Brian's talk yesterday at the PGA course in Port St Lucie. Brian led a terrific talk with Ben Doyle and Steve (Four Barrels). He gave us the highlights from the TGM Summitt. In order to attend that, you had to be an AI-so basically it was a closed door session. However, they covered many interesting topics including 4 barrel swinging (perhaps the swing of the future?) and how the head really pivots.

Ben Doyle added to Brian's discussion with his own insight and demonstrations. This was my first time meeting Ben and it was a real treat. His knowledge of the game, TGM, and the physics that governs the swing is impressive to say the least.

Steve (4 barrels) came over all the way from Melbourne, Australia to attend the TGM and PGA Summits. Steve is a terrific ball striker and his explanations and instruction was also top-notch. Also in attendance (from other countries) were four of Ian Clark's friends from England.

After Brian gave his talk, he let the students hit balls and Ben, Brian, and Steve walked up and down and gave us extra tips and insights. You would probably couldn't find a better trio of golf instructors together, all at the same time.

Afterwards we had dinner at Outback Steakhouse. Big Al Huestis and wife, Ruth, attended. Having a lesson with Brian is one thing, but having dinner is quite an event. His stories are absolutely hillarious!

Brian, thanks so much for going through the trouble of setting this up. It was a lot of fun, and I hope you continue to host such great seminars!!

thanks again,


What is a 4 barrel swing?

If I am not mistaken, it's a swing that uses all four accumulators (left arm blasting off the chest, right arm straightening, left arm rolling, and I forget the last it left wrist uncocking or something?)
Me Too

I attended as well but did not get to go to dinner and hear the stories. I even found out the correct way to shake hands courtesy of Ben Doyle, twice. If I ever get the pleasure to meet him again, I hope I don't forget the right way to shake hands.

Brian is what you see is what you get. I felt like I was watching a video being filmed during his presentation. He does not have an "on camera" manner. He is very sincere. He really wants to help people golf better...and get paid for it. Not the other way around. I don't think he has the goal to be the number one teacher in the world for the money.

Steve (four barrels) is very nice. I can't believe you made him (an Aussie) eat at Outback. Did you force him to drink Fosters as well?

I am so glad I made the trek across the state to attend.

It was also nice to put a face to some screen names too.

Pchandler, steve told us at dinner that they dont drink that stuff in australia, as well as a few other myths about australia, like they dont have a place there called outback ;)

the manzeposium was pretty cool. It was nice to ba around great instructors, and all 3 are really nice people too. While I had met ben and brian before, it was the first time I got to meet steve. Brians talk was very good and he went over some great topics in regards to the golf swing. Talked about pivot, pivot controlled hands/hands controlled pivot, swinging, hitting and combonations of both, pure swinging, illusions of a right forearm takeaway, how a flat shoulder turn is more effecient, 4 barrels swinging, where golf is going in the futureand quite a bit more

cool thing about brians stories is that he tells them so well you just about feel as if you are there seeing it in person.

thanks brian for the good time
Pchandler, steve told us at dinner that they dont drink that stuff in australia, as well as a few other myths about australia, like they dont have a place there called outback ;)

the manzeposium was pretty cool. It was nice to ba around great instructors, and all 3 are really nice people too. While I had met ben and brian before, it was the first time I got to meet steve. Brians talk was very good and he went over some great topics in regards to the golf swing. Talked about pivot, pivot controlled hands/hands controlled pivot, swinging, hitting and combonations of both, pure swinging, illusions of a right forearm takeaway, how a flat shoulder turn is more effecient, 4 barrels swinging, where golf is going in the futureand quite a bit more

cool thing about brians stories is that he tells them so well you just about feel as if you are there seeing it in person.

thanks brian for the good time

Sounds like the makings for another great dvd.
Sounds like the makings for another great dvd.

what kind of dvd would you like to make,
if it is a comedy you could just tape the dinners ;)
I can imagine in my head John Daly bending and then chucking his club into the trees while traveling about one foot over top of peoples heads.
Sounds right fun.

Yall should tour up in Canada. (not in winter)


Hey what's the handskake? Bent right wrist at all times...shake hold rest....?
playing a four man best ball,
we are getting ready to tee off on a 90* dog leg right par 4 and I am asked
"so are you ready to meet the freak show?"
three big guys and one little blonde haired guy.
so the first guy hits his ball, and I think to myself, "well he cant be daly"
the second guy hits, "not daly there"
the third guy hits it "well he cant be daly either"
so all the big guys in the foursome have hit
"well that little blonde haired guy cant be daly"
so he gets up and tees the ball right next to the marker, which is very close to where I put a bag
the little blonde haired guy gets up and takes a one iron out, aims WAY off to the right, and I am thinking what is he doing. I am trying to figure out what he is doing, also worried about the bag being too close, but before I can figure either of those out he hits the ball. "you know how when some people hit the ball and you wonder if it is going to make it, well on this shot you did not wonder"

dont want to hack it too much, there is more to the story


playing a four man best ball,
we are getting ready to tee off on a 90* dog leg right par 4 and I am asked
"so are you ready to meet the freak show?"
three big guys and one little blonde haired guy.
so the first guy hits his ball, and I think to myself, "well he cant be daly"
the second guy hits, "not daly there"
the third guy hits it "well he cant be daly either"
so all the big guys in the foursome have hit
"well that little blonde haired guy cant be daly"
so he gets up and tees the ball right next to the marker, which is very close to where I put a bag
the little blonde haired guy gets up and takes a one iron out, aims WAY off to the right, and I am thinking what is he doing. I am trying to figure out what he is doing, also worried about the bag being too close, but before I can figure either of those out he hits the ball. "you know how when some people hit the ball and you wonder if it is going to make it, well on this shot you did not wonder"

dont want to hack it too much, there is more to the story

That's a great sory. It never gets old! Brian should write those down in a book!
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