Mark evershed

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Mark said something very interesting on his Knowledge video about feeling that you never uncock the left wrist thru impact. His main thesis is to never unbend the right wrist and feel like you never uncock the left wrist.. In his swing, he talks about swinging the arms on plane. A laser on each end of a shaft is conventional up until impact, where the beam of light coming out of the clubhead end points along the plane line for infinity. the shaft at finish is tipped over, or matching the spine angle. A beam coming out the grip end of the shaft never points at the plane line past impact. In other words, with your butt to a wall, the clubhead never touched the wall at any point in the swing. I hit some shots late yesterday with this hinge method. I am still waiting the for ball to land.
On a full shot, if the butt end never points at the plane line past impact, then it's pointing SOMEWHERE on the ground off-plane. The pull of the heavy clubhead will cause it to point above the horizontal at some point beyond the both arms straight position.
I used to follow Evershed's teaching- ala the Canadian move, the always bent right wrist thru impact, much like a tennis stroke. It was a very succesful move and I benefitted greatly from it. BUT... it was only half an educated flying wedge. Evershed dumbed down the left half, his left hand didn't allow for an intellegent acc#3 to uncock into impact. In Evershed own words - "I own that."
I had tried Eversheds move and found the same thing. You can have a bent right wrist
without the left being flat thus you only get one side of the equation to success.


Fellows, I am not understanding, could you explain more please.
If the rear is bent, how can the lead not be flat, unless its arched?

Happens to me in post followthrough when both left and right arms are bending. At finish both wrists are bent back for me.

Speaking of being on plane post impact, at finish , should the clubshaft point at the plane line also, across the back and pointing downwards?



quote:Originally posted by mb6606

I had tried Eversheds move and found the same thing. You can have a bent right wrist
without the left being flat
thus you only get one side of the equation to success.

(bold by rwh)


You cannot have a bent Left Wrist if the Right Wrist is only bent. I suspect you are describing a "double cocked" situation wherein both wrists are bent and cocked (i.e., that dreadful Leadbetter "pre-set" drill where he tells you to lift the club straight up in front of you from the address position until the clubshaft is vertical. Only way you can do that is to "double-cock").

"Cocking" and "un-cocking" are vertical only motions.

"Bending" and "Arching" are horizontal only motions.
Sorry RWH but I can bend might right wrist back and my left wrist back (Cupped) at the same time. All depends on the degree of bend in your right wrist. Evershed focuses on the right wrist when in fact the #1 imperative is the Flat left wrist. Therefore his teaching is not complete, misleading or both. Hogan devoted a page to the importance of supinating the left wrist. If you read between the lines he is telling you "the secrect". Yet no mention of the right wrist.
My ballstriking improved dramatically when I learned the secret of the flat left wrist!!!!


quote:Originally posted by mb6606

Sorry RWH but I can bend might right wrist back and my left wrist back (Cupped) at the same time. All depends on the degree of bend in your right wrist. Evershed focuses on the right wrist when in fact the #1 imperative is the Flat left wrist. Therefore his teaching is not complete, misleading or both. Hogan devoted a page to the importance of supinating the left wrist. If you read between the lines he is telling you "the secrect". Yet no mention of the right wrist.
My ballstriking improved dramatically when I learned the secret of the flat left wrist!!!!

Okay; I see your point.
I thought the left flat wrist was a given in any discussion. My point was that Evershaed never allows the left flat wrist to uncock. The right wrist can be bent in any degree just not cocked. It is important to always remember as RWH pointed out:

"Cocking" and "un-cocking" are vertical only motions.

"Bending" and "Arching" are horizontal only motions.
His video never explains the importance of the flat, level, vertical left wrist. I could hit the ball decently well with his method but knew something was lacking. Mainly the correct strong single action grip in the cup of the right hand, the magic of the on plane right forearm and the flat, level, vertical left wrist.


The Canadian move, page 9 (i have the left handed version), "A bent rear wrist, a FLAT lead wrist from early in the backswing all the way to followthrough".
Page 25, his definition of Educated hands:
1. "Your rear wrists is allowed to stay BENT,your lead wrist FLAT from the top of your backswing through impact, and then all the way to the finish position.
2. Your hands follow the correct path necessary for an ONPLANE swing.
3. Your hands maintain a constantly correct clubface."
Also on same page under facts section, item #9:
If you have been taught that the lead hand controls the golf swing, and your mind has a hard time switching to the rear hands, the method still works. Simply think of maintaining a FLAT or slightly Bowed lead wrists.


quote:Originally posted by rwh

"Cocking" and "un-cocking" are vertical only motions.

"Bending" and "Arching" are horizontal only motions.

And when you COMBINE those, a verticle motion, and a horizontal motion, you get 45 degrees.

You have THE WEDGE.

Use your left thumb and your right palm as your guide. Use the pressure points as your guide.

Use pressure points to take the wedge(s) to both arms straight. Take that 45 degree 'feel' to both arms straight.

On plane force THROUGH the ground
Ed, once again you are trying to make the Flying Wedges, both of them, into a single wedge. You sooooo badly want us to recognize one of your so-called for lack of a better term, original thoughts (laugh here).
The uncocking of acc#3 and the maintaining of the right bent wrist is just one brief second the Flying Wedges journey through. It is still the flying wedges at the top of the backswing and at following through. The wedges are the "devil in the details" for educated hands.
The left thumb and right palm is pp#1. A swinger might not use pp#1 as a guide for your rim thing you love so much.


njmp2 - do you feel the PATH of pp1 in 3 dimensional space is any different for hitters or swingers? Do you feel there is different geometry to pp1? To the wedges?
As I stated I only have the video. The book must contain addtional information. The video is in seminar classroom format in fornt of a small group.
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