Matrix Discussion

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Hasn't come up in a while.

"The Matrix."

Come up with any new principles Brian?

Safe to say still that it's a good idea to work towards The Middle and a straight ballflight?

(after bouncing from side to side for as long as you need to learn what you learn from doing so)

Does "working towards The Middle" mean developing a pattern with minimal shaft lean as sort of a "stock shot"?

Bedtime. Forum-itis has taken over.

Is there any way to balance out the "over-doing" that can happen with a specific pattern? Make it more manageable...?

Do you devise ways for certain students?

Me and Brad (holeout) were chatting. He was talking about hitting draws and fades on the range and then mostly fades on the course.

I have been wondering about all this for some time.

Managing The Matrix.
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