Measuring off inside the ball at address

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I have been hitting my driver great this year. I never really much noticed, but a playing partner said that I sole my driver at address a good 3 inches to the inside of the ball (looks like I can't reach it and I am taking a practice swing). Obviously, that's probably not recommended, but I'm crunching high push draws and I rarely miss the fairway by more than 10-15 yards off the tee, so I won't change that.

BUT..I started shanking some of my irons last week and hitting them poorly. So my buddy said to measure off from the ball with my irons at the very tip of the toe because I hit my driver good measuring off with the toe 3 inches inside from the ball. Now I'm hitting my irons very well, but it appears to observers that I really have to go down and out to reach the ball.

Anyway, I'm not looking to change this as it is working, but I was wandering if anyone could explain why it could be advantageous for one to measure off in this manner and if it could be indicative of a more fundamental swing flaw. Thanks.
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If you think about it, Birdie, contact with the irons is made before the clubhead hits the ground. If you hover your clubhead above the ground so that the sweet spot is directly behind the ball, then let the clubhead fall to the ground (without dropping your hands), the ball should be positioned off the toe. So, technically, you're making compensations when you ground the club with the clubhead centered behind the ball.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator

Thanks for validating my technique, but does anyone of any consequence do this? Basically, I make myself go down and out to reach the ball- else I'll whiff

It depends, what they see might seem to THEM that you have to "go get it." However you might just be driving that right shoudler downplane better.

Also, just make sure you don't over do it and address it too far from the ball. A good way is to hover the sweetspot and then set the club down. However much it is towards the toe, is all you need.
Having to set the club farther away from the ball at address (than what would be prescribed with regards to Brian's and Jim's comments) in order to hit the ball well could indicate clubs that are too flat of a lie angle, no?

This seems to jump out at me.

However, if it works... :)

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Having to set the club farther away from the ball at address (than what would be prescribed with regards to Brian's and Jim's comments) in order to hit the ball well could indicate clubs that are too flat of a lie angle, no?

This seems to jump out at me.

However, if it works... :)

No. As the poster above said, if you go to IMPACT FIX with the club just behind the ball and slightly above then simply "set it at address" the club will be SLIGHTLY in from the ball. Because the force of the swing is trying to get the entire left arm/club/etc to "line up" and it will extend slightly away from you.

So it's really a matter of how you setup.
No. As the poster above said, if you go to IMPACT FIX with the club just behind the ball and slightly above then simply "set it at address" the club will be SLIGHTLY in from the ball. Because the force of the swing is trying to get the entire left arm/club/etc to "line up" and it will extend slightly away from you.

So it's really a matter of how you setup.

I understand that. What I'm saying is that if he sets up even FARTHER inside than this, and hits it better from there, that could indicate a lie angle that is too flat. Do you still think this couldn't be the case?
If you think about it, Birdie, contact with the irons is made before the clubhead hits the ground. If you hover your clubhead above the ground so that the sweet spot is directly behind the ball, then let the clubhead fall to the ground (without dropping your hands), the ball should be positioned off the toe. So, technically, you're making compensations when you ground the club with the clubhead centered behind the ball.

I seem to remember from a different post that Brian mentioned that iron sweet spots are towards the heel a bit. So if you hover that at impact fix then let it drop, wouldn't the iron be centered behind the ball?
I seem to remember from a different post that Brian mentioned that iron sweet spots are towards the heel a bit. So if you hover that at impact fix then let it drop, wouldn't the iron be centered behind the ball?

In that case, possibly. I suppose it depends on how far toward the heel the sweetspot is. Either way, address would be more toward the toe of the club than impact.



Thanks for validating my technique, but does anyone of any consequence do this? Basically, I make myself go down and out to reach the ball- else I'll whiff

I recall Luke Donald sets his driver down so the ball is at the toe.

Fuzzy Zoeller had some setup thing like that too.
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