method confusion

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TGM swing or hit. Hardy says all swings are 1 plane or two plane. Is swing one plane and hit 2 plane? Brian being a hitter, he uses a strong grip where for 2 plane a weaker grip is advised. I guess reading instruction from multiple instructors is not advised. Seems I'm mixing wrong fundementals. I have Brian's first 5 dvd and looking forward to more.


I don't know much, but what I do know is that Hardy's planes are not the same as TGM planes. And the planes don't matter as far as being a hitter or swinger goes; it is mostly hinge action and whether you pull it or push it.


I'm more of a Hardy guy than a TGM guy, but i enjoy reading what the "science guys" have to say as well. Vandal's post is pretty acurate, in that you shouldn't think of those concepts in the same way. I don't think Brian's grip is strong though.

Brian Manzella

My grip is very orthodox, very neutral.

Anyway, the thing about the golf stroke is this:

You need to learn only a few things:

Here they are:

A grip that allows you to square up the face at separation, or get close.

A set-up that puts your body in a position to A- get the club to the top in a place where you can hit down on the ball from the inside while your hips are open enough and your tailbone is forward enough...and B- generate or support some UUUMPH!

Control you clubface and clubhead WITH YOUR HANDS, so you can hit down on the inside-aft quadrant of the ball on the way down and sqaure up the club at separation.

Draw a straight base line—a good path, in other words.

That's all.

No METHOD per se, just the facts ma'am.


quote:Originally posted by brianman

My grip is very orthodox, very neutral.

Anyway, the thing about the golf stroke is this:

You need to learn only a few things:

Here they are:

A grip that allows you to square up the face at separation, or get close.

A set-up that puts your body in a position to A- get the club to the top in a place where you can hit down on the ball from the inside while your hips are open enough and your tailbone is forward enough...and B- generate or support some UUUMPH!

Control you clubface and clubhead WITH YOUR HANDS, so you can hit down on the inside-aft quadrant of the ball on the way down and sqaure up the club at separation.

Draw a straight base line—a good path, in other words.

That's all.

No METHOD per se, just the facts ma'am.

Super Post!!!


quote:Originally posted by psomers

TGM swing or hit. Hardy says all swings are 1 plane or two plane. Is swing one plane and hit 2 plane? Brian being a hitter, he uses a strong grip where for 2 plane a weaker grip is advised. I guess reading instruction from multiple instructors is not advised. Seems I'm mixing wrong fundementals. I have Brian's first 5 dvd and looking forward to more.

We just finished the school in Orlando. We had what Hardy would call "one planers" that were swingers and some that were hitters. Don't fret about "mixing" Brian's instruction and Hardy's method. Brian is "method neutral". We didn't change my "one planeness" (I'm a swinger, I learned), and his and Tom's instruction helped immediately. And significantly.


Brian, do you realize you just told EVERYONE how to correctly strike a golf ball more consistantly????

Brian Manzella

Thanks Cdog and rundmc!

I think the BEST compliment is when Jeffy said I was "Method Neutral."

It is an important distinction—one that in this post is very important.

I have wanted someone to call me "Method Neutral" for a LONG TIME.

Once apon a time it was "He is too complicated," or he "teaches everyone the same way."

I LOST potential students—and some current students—that way.

When you have a gaol to be #1, and part of that goal is reaching THE WIDEST POSSIBLE AUDIENCE, the ONLY WAY is to be at least somewhat "Method Neutral."

The club STILL HAS TO 'draw' a straight plane line, have its lag pressure maintained, and have its clubface controled.

No matter what METHOD you use.
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