Methods and Patterns of Instruction

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The No Contest thread prompted me to start a new thread on the pros and cons of current methods and patterns .

Brian , from his vast experience is one of the best instructors in the world and has his patterns based off the Manzella Matrix. Is this correct?
Now to be a great instructor one must have the knowledge , and ability to interchange parts of the swing to get the desired result.

So Brian would definitely fit in this catergory.From memory Brian said about 11% of instructors ( correct me if I am wrong). Having said that , I believe that the figure would be lucky to be 5%
So of the current method or pattern instructors that are "In" how many of them would fit this requirement?

What are the pros and cons of the patterns of these instructors and how much information on these patterns do you have Brian?

Hopefully , without any bashing , the following methods or patterns can be debated on the worlds premier golf instruction website. I don't know that many but these are some I can think of.

Gary Edwin
Mac O'Grady Morad

Brian Manzella

The Rules.

The No Contest thread prompted me to start a new thread on the pros and cons of current methods and patterns .

What are the pros and cons of the patterns of these instructors and how much information on these patterns do you have Brian?

Hopefully , without any bashing , the following methods or patterns can be debated on the worlds premier golf instruction website. I don't know that many but these are some I can think of.

Gary Edwin
Mac O'Grady Morad

We really don't talk about methods and their pros.

Now, give me a specific element of a pattern, and we'll talk about it all night long.

For example:

"What do you think of the Mike Austin Method and Mike as a teacher?"

Ah, no.

That starts a war.


"Do think that their should be a stretch outward by the arm during the whole swing"

I will answer that.

You just can't do it the other way.

For instance, we've talked about S&T's idea about how to move/control low point.

But not the method, or the teachers per se.

Got it?

Brian, from his vast experience is one of the best instructors in the world...

That's more than a little hollow...


Just for the record, and for the benefit of my goofy critics who have never seen me teach, and never been to a seminar I spoke at, here is the straight dope on this.

I used to be on a website where I was made fun of all the tome, even though I dominated the forum, and got 100+ emails a day from golfers who had been fixed by one of my suggestions, or wanted to.

Now, I could say I could out teach Haney or Leadbetter, but that is just my opinion.

But, starting with Ray Bauman, folks started coming to Louisville and New Orleans to see me.

First a few, mostly from inside of a 5 hour drive, then dozens, the hundreds from all over the world.

The reviews are all over this site.

So are the reviews of my seminar appearances, and live deconstructed lessons at the two GTE's.

It turns out that I was at least as good as I say I was, according to the vast majority of folks, many, many of them pros, who came and got fixed, or saw it with their own two eyes.

I have been following teaching for 30+ years intently, and no one else ever got reviews like that.

Remember, it is not words, or rankings in a magazine. It is REAL LIVE RESULTS.

Sorry, detractors.

...his patterns based off the Manzella Matrix. Is this correct?


The MANZELLA Matrix is just a simple classification system.

My patterns come from the trenches, from real research, from ideas from smart guys with PHDs, and from things I have learned from other smart teachers.

Now to be a great instructor one must have the knowledge, and ability to interchange parts of the swing to get the desired result.

The knowledge is not that important if your eye is good, and you can see what has to go, know what the replacement part should look like, and get the student to do it.


So Brian would definitely fit in this catergory.From memory Brian said about 11% of instructors ( correct me if I am wrong). Having said that , I believe that the figure would be lucky to be 5%

Don't know where you are going here...

Here are some numbers off of my head:

50,000 teachers worldwide.

500 good teachers.

50 great teachers.

50,000 teachers worldwide.

10,000 pure method teachers.

So, that means that a lot of the good 500 are method teachers, and some of the fifty are too.

You can be an excellent teacher and be a method teacher.

But you can not be the best ever.
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