Micheal Breed's Presentation to PGA Professionals

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Recently I attended the Tennessee PGA's Annual meeting featuring guest speaker, Michael Breed. There's no questioning the guys energy and charisma or the reasons why he has his own TV show. He said some things about putter lofts I'm going to have to research. Discrediting himself, he also said that a closed clubface always produces a draw or hook and an open clubface always produces a fade or slice.

In exchange for some technology advice from Brian over the phone, I offered to ask Breed any question he'd like. I stayed after his presentation in order to speak with him. The question and answer are as follows:

How has the D-plane or the knowledge that the angle of attack can effect the balls curvature effected your teaching?

(with a quizzical expression) It hasn't. I've never had anyone say that the apex of their ball flight is to close to them or to far away. I try to teach people about how the ball curves.

I'm talking about the balls curvature, the idea that when (pointing at an image of a player tracing a plane line) a player appears to be on a plane, the amount they hit up or down on it effects what plane they're really on.
immediately defensive

You're making things to complicated. People aren't getting better because things aren't simple enough.I usually teach people how the ball curves by putting a shoe box on the ground and asking them how to get the box to turn right or left.

What if Darren Stiles asked that question?
Darren is even less likely to need that information.

Seems like simplicity by omission. Which isn't simplicity at all.
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Brian Manzella


Once upon a time there was no national discussion about the golf swing, except in the major magazines.

That was the world I came into the business in.

Golf Digest Schools was king. Long live the king.

Then, Michael Hebron had the idea to gather a dozen or so top teachers in one place at one time, saving folks the expense of traveling all over the country to see them.

That first PGA Teaching and Coaching Summit was conceived as a non-PGA event, but the PGA soon found out about it, and basically, over time, took it from Hebron.

It hasn't been the same since.

Do you ever wonder why folks, fed up with the system, who have never run for office, pile up enough friends and money from their careers to run, then talk about "changing the system" and "kicking ass and taking names" when they get to Washington, never do what they say they were going to?

It is because the system corrupts them, or buries them.

They get to D.C. and they wind up in an office and are told to "go along or else." The ones who stick out their tongue and wait for what else wish they didn't.

The golf business is just like that.

Michael Breed is a very talented guy, nice looking, skinny enough for TV, quick on his feet, and has just enough knowledge.

Just enough knowledge not to rock the boat and still keep the masses watching The Golf Fix.

And trust me, he is holding some of his knowledge back.


They are telling him to.

Think about this for a second—why in the world would the PGA of America parade Breed around the country to talk to the sections?

The guy is on national TV every week.

They know he is no threat, and to be honest, they like that.

The internet is slowly eating away at the major magazines, and at TV. And nobody tells a "blogger" what to do.

There is a crossroads coming in this business, and it is coming fast.

One day soon, you'd better know your stuff, and you better be able to teach live.

I better start my diet again, huh?
Seems like Breed, Haney, etc follow a old show biz rule, "Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story!" I also wonder how long it's been since the "top guns" taught the average Joe (or Jane) complete with knock-off clubs, no flexibility, a bad grip and the expectation you can show them how to hit a 250-yard tight draw with the driver...every time! But still, I guess these guys must be doing something right.
His show is a lot more scripted than it is made out to appear. I happen to like Michael Breed. He is very entertaining and at times a bit informative. He is a cross between Matthew Lesco and Carrot Top. The only thing missing is a co-host with equal wit. Brian, you need an agent.

Jared Willerson

Super Moderator
The Golf Fix is The Golf Channels take on a cross between Mad Money with Jim Kramer and a Hammer Infomercial....with the camera constantly fading in and out of their face and the exaggerated hand gestures...its kind of funny.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
Seems like Breed, Haney, etc follow a old show biz rule, "Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story!" I also wonder how long it's been since the "top guns" taught the average Joe (or Jane) complete with knock-off clubs, no flexibility, a bad grip and the expectation you can show them how to hit a 250-yard tight draw with the driver...every time! But still, I guess these guys must be doing something right.

I read something once that Hardy WON'T teach anything worse than a single cap.
His show is a lot more scripted than it is made out to appear. I happen to like Michael Breed. He is very entertaining and at times a bit informative. He is a cross between Matthew Lesco and Carrot Top. The only thing missing is a co-host with equal wit. Brian, you need an agent.

Lesco, Kramer, Carrot Top LOL hahaha! What's next Billy Mays?? Breed is pitching items for sale now.


I have said it before. I find Breed just plain annoying. It does not matter what he says because I cannot get past his delivery. EVERYTHING IS NOT THAT EXCITING!
Maybe his show would slow down if I tried meth?
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