Michelson's wide backswing to narrow downswing

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Curious watching slo-mo video of Michelson these past couple of weeks to see the wide backswing/long move to end of backswing (somewhat Daley/Sadlowski-ish) and the narrow, close to the body, steep shaft, deep lag downswing.

Given the "Ideas about the New Release", etc., what are we to understand, learn or unlearn from what we see? Said another way, is Mickelson's propensity for two-way misses in his long game a result of this swing characteristic? Does his iron and wedge play benefit?

Would be interested in Brian's take on the overall motion, again, in the context of the latest knowledge about the swing.
Brian...accept my apology...I did see this video...but my "senior-zimers" kicked in and I "oopsed."

Question: Is that narrowing (dropping the shaft while keeping the clubhead low) practical and functional because his swing is so long and hands so high without laying the club off? Under what circumstances might you encourage a student to make a similar move?

Thank you for the forum and your instructional and educational efforts.
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