might seem like a stupid question but...

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once the rearward pivot is made, what is the engine to turn the hips? Seriously....

I have been working on getting the hips to start to open and it seems like there are a couple of ways to make this happen .

Is it the weight going left and that step down, posting move that causes the hip to open or....is there a drive with the right leg to help it open????

One thing I notice, I don't have them open enough at impact.

Thanks to everyone that answers!
IMO, your hips open via the straighening of the left leg. The faster the leg straightens, the quicker the hips open. I have never understood or believed in the "Kicking" of the right leg. Back in the day, Ballard would say that the downswing began with a kick of the right leg??? Whattt? Again, IMO, the weight falls onto the left leg then pow, the leg straightens and that helps the pressure points move things along. Good Luck!
would the weight fall to the back side of the left leg, such as to the rear left butt-side? when you say fall to the left leg, i get the impression or feeling that it would promote somewhat of a lunge to the left.
would the weight fall to the back side of the left leg, such as to the rear left butt-side? when you say fall to the left leg, i get the impression or feeling that it would promote somewhat of a lunge to the left.

I don't think so. IMO the weight falls more to the inside of the foot and then gets to the heel by way of the hips sliding and opening.
I just turn my shoulders and my hips follow. I restrict nothing.

I used to have trouble pivoting properly........along with the hands, it is something most people I think need to train to a degree. When I learned to do it better all I worried about was:

-making a flat shoulder turn. (focusing on the feel of "using my left shoulder to turn my right one as far as it could go")

-making sure I got my left shoulder over my right knee.

-restricting nothing. (not knees or hips)

-looking in the mirror to make sure it looked OK.

-making a pivot without a club. (for practice)


Even nowadays when I try to make a left handed swing.........very very very awkward. Really beginnerish. Even though I know what kind of motion I need to make my body does not yet want to do it. (needs training)

If I now was gonna train my left handed pivot I would be focusing on pretty well the same things as my list above but I would be focusing on a sharp turn of the left hip as well.

My list is of course derived from Brian's "Perfect Pivot" article BTW. :)
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