Mike Austin package?

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ragman: You are a Mike Austin man . What do you think of his books and videos? I have a chance to purchase his stuff second hand and cheaper than his normal retail price. Thanks.
Hue, if you so desire to purchase Dr. Austin's stuff (from the gentleman at FGI?), make the order.

The man is a GENIUS. Clubhead Speed was measured at 155 MPH...Not only could he perform a solid stroke under pressure, he knew how EVERY bone and muscle must move to deliver an optimum stroke.

The proof is in the pudding...he was still hitting it past 18 year-olds in his 80s.....

A rare, TRUE talent....a visionary much like Joseph H. Pilates...

Book coming out SOON......!
quote:Originally posted by benhogan54

Do you know if Austin had any background in TGM?
Not that I know of...

There is NO doubt that Austin knows what he is talking about....the man was a heavyweight boxing champ, contracted opera singer, worked on a highly classified aerospace project (which later became the space program), poet,, philosopher, actor, fighter pilot, and speaks 4 or 5 languages....Oh, and he could hit the ball righty, lefty, with one arm, with clubs turned upside down, and even made par with a taped-up coked bottle....and he won some 100 state and city tournaments go with his almost 50 long driving titles......did I say he has degrees in mechanical engineering, philosophy, physics, and a doctorate in kinesiology?

I thnk Dr. Austin knows what he's talking about.


From what i have read on Austin, he was a STUD amoung studs. He would probably out hit most using ANY swing system. You cant teach being gifted athletically.
I have only read a couple reviews on his teaching material and they werent good. When someone uses the term 'Secrect', as in "secrect compound movement", it sorta scares me.


cdog: Could you post links to the reviews? ragman: Have you got the package? There is little doubt that the guy had freakish ability but are the tapes and package any good? Thanks.



May be a good time to squash the "other" promo items on your forum. This is no different than if you went out and bought a McDonalds and I allow you to enter my restaurant and allow you to eat. It is one thing to have Dr./Keygolf as a sharing partner type relationship, due to the field of expertise, it is quite another to promote others wares unless you have a fee agreement worked out. Just a suggestion!! LOL!


Brian Manzella

Thanks for the advice Randy.....BUT...

I don't mind it. You see, unlike nearly everyone else in this silly business, I don't mind people tooting their own horns or someone they like.

When my tape is ready this winter...It will be #1

...even if they ALL post on here....;)
quote:Originally posted by brianman

Thanks for the advice Randy.....BUT...

I don't mind it. You see, unlike nearly everyone else in this silly business, I don't mind people tooting their own horns or someone they like.

When my tape is ready this winter...It will be #1

...even if they ALL post on here....;)

And with all great tapes. This one should include closed captioning. Hint hint.. :D


quote:Originally posted by cdog

DUDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.....give us YOUR opinion on Mr.Austin!


It is my opinion and belief that what is available through this medium, that to continue a search for a magic bullet through other tapes, golf magazines is a waste of time, energy and dollars (In some cases pounds ;)). So my opinion of Mr Austin's or anyone else's wares is quite tainted due to my belief that all that is in the golfswing is in the "Yellow Book." Anything outside of that is only someone's preference and all one is left with is a pigeon holed swing and that the search will not end until that hole is found. You cannot put into a book, mat, library or any other medium, all the ways that one can perform a stroke.

Allow me to give an example. We continue to hear instructors talk and act like Tattoo on Fantasy Island. Da' Plane, Da' Plane. How many members here have taken the time and energy to literally get into a swing plane device? How many have taken a lesson where an instructor has zero, nada to demonstrate the plane? We have 1 little tidbit that is so important but how many get it? I dare say few. The voice from the mountain top is either falling on deaf ears or most golfers are to pig headed to get it.

Ben calls the Plane, "The Boss." This is so true. Homer states in 2-F that the Plane is the one thing that everything else must comply with. "The plane does not comply with anything or anybody, it is there and unless you operate according to that plane the heart and soul of the game is gone. This is plane golf."

Yes, Homer also calls the failure of the Flat Left Wrist to be the BANE of the game but, the little ditty above, which is so easy for one to check and recheck and get it right, continues to plague golfers.

Sorry for length and box.[:I] There are 3 things one should constantly work on. As those 3 things improve you do not have to worry about the eyes, the head, the big toe. As those 3 things improve, so will your game. It has no other choice. Closing is this, Brian has supplied a vehicle for all to use for learning, questions, and I am positive the vehicle is in place for long distance learning so you can send him a vid and he can dub over and send back things for you to work on. I hope! ;) So, take your money from magazines, golf books, and get some flashlights, build a plane board, get a face to face lesson, get a vid, step away from the computer and LOOK, LOOK, LOOK and CONFIRM, CONFIRM, CONFIRM.

Back to the regular scheduled program.


Randy: I agree with you that MOST training videos are a waste of time and money. I wanted to check out the Ben Doyle video before I was lucky enough to get it. I was sceptical but Brian and others convinced me to go for it. I have learned a lot from that video and watch it over and over. There is a chance to get the Mike Austin stuff right now so I was hoping to get informed opinions from guys that I trust who have seen it. In the past on FGI Brian recomended the Bertholy books so I knew he was not adverse to giving his opinions on other people's stuff. Had I not got the Ben Doyle tape I would have missed out. So I wanted to check things out. I use a plane board and have a flat lead wrist at impact and my handicap is dropping but there are no teachers over here in the UK that I want to see. I am not looking for a magic bullet but if the tapes are anything like the Ben Doyle tape I do not want to miss out.Brian and others: Have you seen the Mike Austin set and if so what did you make of them? Thanks.
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