Let me start of by saying I have made progress with my swing ever sense I joined Brian's forum but I think I have hit a brick wall lately. I don't have a way to put up video so any thing that might be causing what I am about to say please throw it out. Here goes as of late I can't get the ball in the air very low ball flight and hooking everything from 6iron to Driver. I have been practicing hitting balls with my PW and it seems when I get it right it is very high for my ball flight slight draw and is very solid. I notice on these shots at the finish I am still slightly tilted and I feel like my hands and arms lagging way behind my pivot. feels like my body has finished and is facing the target and my hands are being drug thru. I think this is what I need to do with all my clubs but I can't put my finger on what I am doing right in those swings. I think one thing I am doing wrong is getting ahead of the ball but when I think stay behind it I hit alot of them fat. I use the twistaway because it is the only way I can keep from reverse rolling my hands thru impact. That and flipping was my problem before I found Brian. The answer to my question might be very simple but what do I know I am just a dumb coon ass