million dollar question

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Let me start of by saying I have made progress with my swing ever sense I joined Brian's forum but I think I have hit a brick wall lately. I don't have a way to put up video so any thing that might be causing what I am about to say please throw it out. Here goes as of late I can't get the ball in the air very low ball flight and hooking everything from 6iron to Driver. I have been practicing hitting balls with my PW and it seems when I get it right it is very high for my ball flight slight draw and is very solid. I notice on these shots at the finish I am still slightly tilted and I feel like my hands and arms lagging way behind my pivot. feels like my body has finished and is facing the target and my hands are being drug thru. I think this is what I need to do with all my clubs but I can't put my finger on what I am doing right in those swings. I think one thing I am doing wrong is getting ahead of the ball but when I think stay behind it I hit alot of them fat. I use the twistaway because it is the only way I can keep from reverse rolling my hands thru impact. That and flipping was my problem before I found Brian. The answer to my question might be very simple but what do I know I am just a dumb coon ass



Brian, I have all your videos so I have seen never hook again and I think thats some of what I am doing when I hit it good but when you are not certain it is hard to commit to it. I think a lesson is a good idea. Can I give you a call to set something up.
Is it possible that he's not slowing the hips through impact? It sounds like he's trying to pull with the body the entire swing. I'm probably way off but I won't learn if I don't ask.


Try something else.

Let me start of by saying I have made progress with my swing ever sense I joined Brian's forum but I think I have hit a brick wall lately. I don't have a way to put up video so any thing that might be causing what I am about to say please throw it out. Here goes as of late I can't get the ball in the air very low ball flight and hooking everything from 6iron to Driver. I have been practicing hitting balls with my PW and it seems when I get it right it is very high for my ball flight slight draw and is very solid. I notice on these shots at the finish I am still slightly tilted and I feel like my hands and arms lagging way behind my pivot. feels like my body has finished and is facing the target and my hands are being drug thru. I think this is what I need to do with all my clubs but I can't put my finger on what I am doing right in those swings. I think one thing I am doing wrong is getting ahead of the ball but when I think stay behind it I hit alot of them fat. I use the twistaway because it is the only way I can keep from reverse rolling my hands thru impact. That and flipping was my problem before I found Brian. The answer to my question might be very simple but what do I know I am just a dumb coon ass
Keep your hands as passive as possible.
If you are hitting hooks and feel like your are dragging the club behind your body then you are hooking it because your hands are coming around late and too much from the inside and you have to flip your hands over to not block it way right so the result is a hook. First check your grip to make sure it's fairly neutral and not crazy strong, your grip is probably too strong if you are hitting it low. Then what I would tell you to do without seeing your swing, is to make a backswing with your arms away from your body, still make a turn though of course, and then continue use the dragging feel on the downswing, but make sure you aren't sliding laterally a lot.
Slow his hips?

Shortgamer you should be ashamed. :(
I thought maybe he was getting way ahead of it and shutting the face in a emergency move. As far slow hips through impact, do the hips not slow through impact? In the downswing each part of the body is being pulled by the rotary action of the part immediately below until it has spent itself, at which time the part higher up in the sequence takes over the driving funtion. So in the downswing the legs slow first and then the hips,torso,shoulders,arms and then hands to provide max angular acceleration into the ball like cracking a whip. You can't crack a whip if you don't stop the handle first and let the energy transfer through the whip to the tip.
From the symptoms he was describing slowing down the hips will just make him hit snap hooks, that is what happens when a guy who hooks the ball slows down his hips because he has to roll his wrists over to not hit a ridiculous block right. Turning is not the problem in this case it sounds like, turning in the right direction/on the right path with a decent grip is very likely the problem.
Did you see Quinney on the last two holes of the FBR on sunday? That's what happens when a guy who draws the ball slows his hips. Quinney made a tenative move at the ball on he 17th tee and the result was he didn't get his hips turned enough before impact which threw his timing off and his hands took over enough to hook it in the water. Then on 18 he was worried about it still and this time he was too passive with his hips and his hands and blocked it way right. Baddely on the other hand remained aggressive through the ball under pressure and won the tournament.
It looked to me like Quinney hit a pull draw on 17 - despite what the announcer stated. The ball started straight at the target and hooked into the water. His normal drive the ball should have started right of the green and drew back to the green. I think he steered it under pressure - perhaps habits from his old swing.


thanks for the feed back

I will be meeting with Brian today. So I will let everyone know what he found to be my malfunction.
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