quote:Originally posted by anakin
Q. How much shall we bent our right wrist?... Should that be, in relation to how far you want the ball to land
Q. How flexible the right wrist should be? You cannot leave it so flexible and soft, or you will start losing the pressure/resistance.
second question first:
Brian and Lynn had a nice discussion about this in Canton. Both agreeing, although verbiage differed at first. Frozen, solid, loose, oily- it's all those things. The bottom line is not whether it is frozen or loose (it’s both) but whether the Flying wedges, the two wrists, stay on they assigned planes. That is all that counts
first question: it varies from club to club, and ball location if it changes. Impact fix determines the right wrist bend. I think novices always bend the wrist to max- it isn't the case. It isn’t the horizontal movement of the right wrist that determines distance. That ain’t the power package. Hands are clamps.