Moe Normal Golf Swing -- 1966

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Here are some videos of Moe Norman's golf swing from 1966.


Cool. Thanks for sharing. I heard he was a ball striking genius. Don't know much about him personally, but he must have been an interesting character. There seems to be a new book out. I was reading a thread about him elsewhere this past week.



Good ol' moe ... windmilling his swing so naturally. If you want to swing like moe, you must devote all your waking time to pounding golf balls.


I have a friend who picked up golf after reading a ton of the literature, and for his swing he focused on Moe's. It made sense to him at the time to copy a swing that was so repeatable, however I'm not sure he is in the same obsessive/compulsive league as Moe! Now he has come to pretty much the same realization. :) The irony is that as he has customized the swing, he is finding day by day timing issues.

Dariusz J.

New member
Moe was sorta autistic. Such people can show overhuman skills in a given discipline, it seems Moe's skill was overhuman possibility of dealing with timing and coordination issues when hitting golf balls. Just IMO.

Those swings were the best I've ever seen of his swing. I've spoken to about 30 different people who had played with Moe either casually or on the Canadian Tour. The common theme was his ballstriking was so phenomenal that he would shoot something like 65 and they would say he could've shot 59 easily. Moe didn't line up putts or read greens, just got up there and hit the putt because his theory is if you were going to miss a putt, 'miss 'em quick.'

The golfers that played with him in the mid-80's or earlier all say that he hit the ball pretty long. I think most golfers who saw him didn't see him until the 90's, when he was in his 60's and was overweight and was doing clinics to wow the crowd with his amazing accuracy.



The Feeling of Greatness was a pretty good read. Never even thought about trying to copy that swing though even if it worked pretty well for him.
The Feeling of Greatness was a pretty good read. Never even thought about trying to copy that swing though even if it worked pretty well for him.

I think Moe discussing the mental game is more worth copying than his swing, although I think he had some very good concepts about the swing.

But his mental stuff to me is as good as it gets.

Yeah I have read and researched a decent amount about Moe. He was an interesting character to say the least. He used to hit 1000's of balls almost every day literally until his hands bled. At one point he had to withdraw from a tournament becuase he hit so many balls one night after a round. Personally, I wouldn't suggest using a Moe Norman type swing because it is really awkward biomechanically despite the great success that he had.
Wow, that first swing that is in color looks nothing like the typical Moe swings you see all over the net. He actually releases the club instead of that "hold on, Gulbis dip the head look". That is the best looking swing that I have seen of Moe, it looks a lot like a Hogan swing.
Wow, that first swing that is in color looks nothing like the typical Moe swings you see all over the net. He actually releases the club instead of that "hold on, Gulbis dip the head look". That is the best looking swing that I have seen of Moe, it looks a lot like a Hogan swing.
Lok at the way his left heel spins through impact and he has alot of right toe drag - very specific moves.
Lok at the way his left heel spins through impact and he has alot of right toe drag - very specific moves.

Yes....But that was the first swing of Moe that looked like a "normal" release and follow through that I have seen on the net, I would be interested if anybody has anymore swings of Moe with the same looking release?
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