More Speed?

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Anything out there to give me a few more yards? Since joining this site I've picked up a club and a half with the irons but I'm greedy and want more. I have a swingmate and I try different things but nothing makes much of a difference. Any tips or is the swing speed you have, the swingspeed you have?
Yeah, you can consider working on launch angle and spin rate. Do you know your swing speed? I was able to add yardage by figuring out my AOA (angle of attack) with a driver-- do I hit down, come in level, or hit up (and I'm talking about the clubhead here) and how much so. Then try to obtain the appropriate spin for a given launch angle and swing speed by varying the driver's loft angle or shaft components. For me, since I hit a bit "up" on the ball and tee it up high in the front, I was able to switch to a 6 degree driver and extra stiff shaft to reduce my spin. My swing speed is b/w 105 and 114 mph. I did not increase my swing speed. But my spin rate decreased by 1000 rpm and I am getting 10-15 yards more carry and extra roll.
Good point, I know I'm pretty close with my setup though. Although I haven't been on a launch monitor with my current driver it's the best combo of length and accuracy I've ever had. I build about ten drivers a year and started trying high launch low spin years ago.Any swing tips?
Speed Stik worked for me too. Added about 10 mph in a month of use (got to use it). Some swear by the Speed Chain. I prefer the less lethal method.


While strength and flexibility can do wonders for your golf game (and health) I would focus more on your impact alignments. Being able to swing faster won't necessarily equate to hitting the ball farther.

Many pro atheletes cannot hit a golf ball. Why? Well, they aren't that much different than the general population (average weekend hacker) that HUNTS for the golf ball instead of learning to SWING the club and let the ball get in the way. All that muscle power, in that sense, is worthless without attention to some of critical details.

In other words, learn to become efficient and eliminate the leakages.

At the orlando school, I may have been the strongest there-but I know I hit the ball the 'worst' among all of the students.

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
LOL...Erik's a beast. Give him time and he'll rip some 300 yard drives. If i got into a bar fight, I'd be the one shouting "erik help!"


quote:Originally posted by Archie Swivel

With my cat-like reflexes, I'd pin him [Erik] in 8 seconds!


Ya...I'd let Archie win...wouldn't want to look bad in front of his kids and all. ;)

Jim Kobylinski

Super Moderator
quote:Originally posted by dthobbs

Will the Speed Stik work for a hitter ?
quote:Originally posted by jim_0068 a speed stik. It works...seriously.

Yes...i demonstrated a hitting drive loading motion and a swinging drag loading action in front of a friend of mine to prove it to him.

You just have to make sure you are training with it like a hitter and now "swinging" it as the DVD demonstrates.
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