Move to more upright backswing

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Is there any advantage to be had by making by backswing more upright?

I decided to get rid of my inside takeaway (was suprisingly easy), and realised that I could, if I wanted, make my backswing far more upright. Left arm above my head instead of level with it, still pointing outside the ball tho. Is there any advantage doing this or is it much of a muchness.

I assume you mean the left "hand" above your head. You have to have enough depth for an inside approach to the ball, or else you won't be able to hit the inside of the ball without some sort of manipulation on the downswing.


You would also not be applying effecient force, based on the design of the club, if you are too upright.
thank you for the responses. sounds like too upright is a bad thing.. would going from the poistion on the left, to the one on the right be too much? (I can do it without the shaft getting into that position.) As long as your not too flat or too upright (please excuse my non TGM language) is it just a matter of personal preference, with no real mechanical advantage either way?


Looks fine. When you stated an upright, steeper backswing, I believe there was the implication that your hands were directly above your head. Not sure where the ball is located, but if you can draw a straight line from your hands through your right shoulder to the ball, your top position is perfect.
ahh I see my mistake, thanks and sorry for the poor choice of words. I think I'll try this out for a while, it feels good so far.


quote:Originally posted by MizunoJoe

#2 looks powerful and dynamic, and has much more swing speed potential than #1.

One big key to look for is relatively 'level' elbows at the top, more #2 than #1, but the picks you have represent what I would consider the safe extremes, somewhere in the middle would be best IMO (but closer to #2 - much more accurate motion, just looks like too much 'placement' of the club, rather than a pure swinging motion). Do less, let the club 'swing'.
had a look on Brady's site and yeah, a number of the pros had their elbows almost level, I'll keep an eye on that, thanks.
to me your second pic looks a little too upright your first a little flat also it's hard to tell from this angle but it looks like you are overswinging in the second pick. i also disagree with mercredi,IMO i think if you could draw a line from the ball through your shoulder to your hands you would be to upright i think if at the top your left arm is 90 degrees to your spine that would be perfect i learned that from mac ogrady btw


I was taught that the ideal at the top hand /butt of club location is determined by drawing a line from the ball through the trail shoulder socket and extending it above and behind( as seen from behind the target line at address). the hands/butt of club should rest on that line at the top . If you are above this you are upright and below it flat.
The pic on the right seems to be over rotated. I say seems, because your relatively slim. However, the right pic almost looks like the overswing is causing a reverse pivot. You don't want to lose the feeling of the weight being on your right instep. If you don't roll out on the right foot and come off the ball or if you don't over rotate the shoulder and reverse pivot, you should be O.K. ! Remember, you don't hit the ball with your backswing. You can take the club away in a myriad of ways. Just make sure it isn't doing harm to delivering the club into the ball correctly.
Left wrist looks slightly cupped and that generally lengthens your swing as well. Ala Couples, Franco, Daly, Jimenez. Just some observations?
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