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Saw my swing on video and I am moving all over the place. Backswing I kind of slide with lousy pivot and on the downswing my head drops my right knee shoots out. No wonder I hit weak cuts. Any thoughts on hom to reduce all this movement. I was thinking about just trying to stand there and bring it back and drop it down while trying to not move my feet or body at all.
Don't try to stop moving.

A golf swing performed correctly should have no inclination for unecessary movements. This includes bobbing and swaying of the head, etc.

As for how...

Go see an AI! You can do worse than Brian.
I had this problem. concentrated on just lifing my hands and arms to start the swing. I almost tried to reverse pivot! But I don't think this would be wise for you 'cause u sound like u are not getting your weight onto the left enough on way down? (go 10, 000 miles to make an inch or soemthing like that ain't it... I coudn't reverse pivot to save my life) . This stopped my extremely flat shoulder turnswaying ( I think). It's a very hard thing to stop is swaying and keeping that head movement to a minimum. (If that's what you want to do). Sounds like maybe you have too much sway.. arre you getting that weight to the left side early enough on the downstroke? Might help to setup a lil more neutral with less axis tilt.
Stay on top of that ball and turn over it going back. Feel like you keep your head back on downswing... don't restrain it let it be moved by body.



I would recommend working on zone #1 with and without the club.
Concentrate on Pivot, Hula Hula, Hip Action, Hip Turn, Knee Action.
Not necessarily in that order.
Use a mirror without the club then add the club.
Personally I have found you can get more work done without the club.

I do not claim to be an expert in TGM, but I am diligently Sorting Through the Instructor's Textbook!

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