My 10 Wishes for Golf in 2007

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Brian Manzella

1. Every instructor got their students to do EXACTLY what they are teaching. This way, Golfdom could decide if it was valid or just hot air.

Steve Khatib

Super Moderator
My Dream

Brian, that is my dream not just a wish!;) But currently the golf legal system works like this - innocent until proven guilty not the other way around like scientists work. So they all get off due to a lack of evidence for the prosecution and subsequently can teach what ever they like even though nobody actually does what they teach eg. 1 plane swing, tripod head garbage, pointing/tracing/piston/faning/zero pivot etc..

1. Every instructor got their students to do EXACTLY what they are teaching. This way, Golfdom could decide if it was valid or just hot air.
1. Every instructor got their students to do EXACTLY what they are teaching. This way, Golfdom could decide if it was valid or just hot air.

Do we have enough lifetimes?

It's all hot air until the individual perceives it as truth.

Nature of the beast.

Nobody is bigger than the game and the game is undoubtably bigger than we think.

My wish is that I will represent the truth, to the best of my knowledge and be open to new truths as they/I evolve.

I like your new swing, Brian.
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